Actualités 2024 – 2020 – Pédocriminalité & Maltraitance

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En 2016, la fondation du célèbre festival d’Avenches dirigée à l’époque par Charlotte Carrel, lançait Rock Oz’Brasil, un projet censé venir en aide à un orphelinat du nord-est du pays. Du merchandising a été mis sur pied, quelques dons ont été récoltés et le projet a été médiatisé, avant d’être brutalement interrompu dans la plus grande discrétion.

Il s’avère que le co-directeur de l’orphelinat, un expatrié Suisse, aurait abusé d’un jeune garçon en Suisse de 12 ans en 1984. En 2013, la victime entreprend de réclamer justice. Quand elle découvre le nom de son agresseur présumé dans la presse à l’occasion du lancement de l’association, c’est la panique.

En 2022, ulcérée de ne pas voir d’avancée dans ce dossier, ce qui empêche toute possibilité de reconstruction, la victime alerte le Comité international pour la dignité de l’enfant (CIDE), piloté par l’infatigable Georges Glatz. A la lecture des éléments de l’affaire, l’avocat du comité, Me Pierre Charpié, confie son étonnement à L’Impertinent : « J’aurais aimé plus de transparence. Ils se sont blindés en changeant le président, soutenus par le Ministère public. Cela m’a extrêmement surpris. L’instruction pénale a été biaisée d’une façon ou d’une autre.»

Le CIDE contacte alors Rock Oz’Arènes, afin de faire la lumière sur cette affaire. La Fondation Rock Oz’Arènes affirme avoir été « informée à temps par la police des mœurs d’une ancienne affaire délicate liant un des membres de cette association sur place au Brésil, écrit-elle au CIDE. Tous les membres du Conseil de fondation du Rock Oz’Arènes, actifs durant cette période, ont pris la décision immédiate et irrévocable de rompre toute collaboration en faveur d’un quelconque projet au Brésil pour des questions évidentes d’éthiques et statutaires ». La Fondation ajoute qu’aucun soutien financier n’a été versé de sa part en faveur de l’orphelinat brésilien.

Lors d’une séance organisée entre les membres du CIDE et ceux de Rock Oz’Arènes en novembre 2022, Charlotte Carrel, qui a relégué la direction du Festival au conseil de Fondation deux ans plus tôt, a expliqué que l’agresseur présumé a été membre de l’association Rock Oz’Arènes pendant une année en 1992. Il n’aurait jamais fait partie de la Fondation fondée en 1997.

Voici ce qui s’est passé :

Le CIDE devient la première organisation suisse à obtenir le label Engagé RSE et Responsability Europe

Le CIDE est fier d’annoncer qu’il est la première organisation suisse à être labellisé Engagé RSE et Responsabilty Europe par la certification AFNOR.

Cette distinction souligne l’engagement exceptionnel du CIDE en faveur du développement durable, de la responsabilité sociale et du respect de l’environnement.

C’est pour nous un moyen concret de mesurer la performance de notre démarche RSE pour répondre aux objectifs de développement durable des Nations-Unies et d’attester ainsi de notre engagement dans la protection de l’enfance.

Avec 630 entreprises labellisées Engagé RSE et plus de 800 organismes engagés dans le processus, le label « Engagé RSE » et sa reconnaissance internationale Responsability Europe sont une référence de premier plan dans le domaine de la RSE.

Valable trois ans, ce label est très exigeant. Il évalue plus de 50 critères selon la norme ISO26000 couvrant les 7 domaines suivants : la gouvernance, les droits de l’homme, les relations et les conditions de travail, l’environnement, la loyauté des pratiques, les questions relatives aux consommateurs, les communautés et le développement local.

Notre démarche pour obtenir cette certification a inclus un audit rigoureux, des consultations avec nos parties prenantes, et une analyse détaillée de nos pratiques. Nous avons démontré notre capacité à identifier nos enjeux spécifiques en matière de RSE et à mettre en place des actions concrètes pour améliorer notre performance globale en continu.

Rejoignez-nous le dimanche 26 mai à 17h pour un magnifique concert de musique baroque à l’église romane de Saint-Sulpice organisé au profit du CIDE.

Une belle rencontre autour de la musique et de l’enfant à protéger.


Réservation des billets:

Luc Ferry, ancien ministre de l’éducation, Lysandre Séraïdaris, membre du Conseil du Fondation du CIDE et Georges Glatz, président du Conseil de Fondation

Le philosophe et ancien ministre de l’éducation, Luc Ferry et Anne Plessz Glatz, membre du Conseil de Fondation du CIDE

Le CIDE Comité international pour la dignité de l’enfant. Lausanne a inauguré mercredi soir son antenne parisienne dans un local mis à sa disposition par l’entreprise de sécurité informatique Resocom.

EN PRÉSENCE DE LUC FERRY – Cet événement était parrainé par l’ancien ministre de l’éducation Luc Ferry qui s’est exprimé sur l’évolution de la place de l’enfant dans notre société depuis la fin des années soixante jusqu’à aujourd’hui. Du chemin a été parcouru, mais l’objectif est loin d’être atteint, même si on revient de loin.

PILOTÉE PAR UN ANCIEN MAGISTRAT – Le Conseil de Fondation du CIDE était notamment représenté par son président Georges Glatz et son vice-président Me Olivier Flattet. C’est Thilo Firchow, ancien magistrat français, et mandataire du CIDE, qui s’est occupé des formalités d’ouverture de cette antenne parisienne.

Marie Azevedo, fgondatrice-présidente de Resocom et Alain Jounot responsable du département RSE de l’organisation de normalisation AFNOR.

Pierre Charpié et Olivier Flattet, les avocats du CIDE

Luc Ferry philosophe et ancien ministre de l’éducation, Agnès Beuret, assistante sociale du CIDE Comité international pour la dignité de l’enfant. Pully, Anne Plessz Glatz,, Olivier Flattet, Lysandre Sédaïradis, membres du Conseil de Fondation et Thilo Firchow, responsable de l’antenne parisienne du CIDE

Le Comité International pour la Dignité de l’Enfant (CIDE) dont le siège est à Lausanne a le plaisir d’annoncer l’ouverture d’une antenne à Paris grâce au soutien de l’entreprise de sécurité informatique RESOCOM. Une opération qui s’inscrit dans le cadre de l’engagement continu de RESOCOM en faveur de la Responsabilité Sociétale des Entreprises (RSE). L’événement sera rehaussé par la participation à l’inauguration de l’éminent philosophe et ancien ministre de l’éducation nationale Luc Ferry.

Cette opération de mécénat sera formalisée le 20 mars dès 18h. Elle illustre la volonté de RESOCOM d’œuvrer pour une cause noble, en offrant un espace de dialogue et de sensibilisation autour des enjeux cruciaux liés à la protection de l’enfance.

A l’occasion de cette inauguration, Luc Ferry partagera ses réflexions sur l’importance de la dignité de l’enfant dans nos sociétés contemporaines. Le président du CIDE, Georges GLATZ, ancien journaliste à RTS et ancien député du canton de Vaud, y participera accompagné de membres du Conseil de Fondation du CIDE et de quelques collaborateurs. Cette soirée verra la participation des partenaires de RESOCOM et d’acteurs engagés dans la cause de l’enfance. Il sera l’occasion de dialoguer, de partager des expériences et de renforcer les liens entre différents intervenants engagés en faveur de la défense des droits de l’enfant.

Marie AZEVEDO, Présidente de RESOCOM, souligne l’importance de cet événement: « Accueillir la délégation générale France du CIDE dans nos locaux est une fierté et s’inscrit parfaitement dans notre démarche RSE. C’est une occasion unique de mettre en lumière les défis et les opportunités liés à la défense de la dignité des enfants, et nous sommes honorés de contribuer à cette cause aux côtés d’acteurs majeurs tels que le CIDE et monsieur Luc FERRY. ».


À propos de RESOCOM

RESOCOM, précurseur depuis 25 ans, est une entreprise engagée dans une démarche de Responsabilité Sociétale d’Entreprise active et concrète. Par ses actions, RESOCOM vise à contribuer positivement à la société et à promouvoir des solutions digitales innovantes d’analyse des risques, de prévention et de lutte contre la fraude documentaire (KYC:ID).


À propos du CIDE

Le Comité International pour la Dignité de l’Enfant (CIDE) est une Fondation de droit suisse reconnue d’utilité publique et sous le contrôle de l’Etat, engagée depuis 33 ans dans la protection et la promotion des droits de l’enfant à travers le monde. Par ses programmes et ses actions, le CIDE œuvre pour un futur où chaque enfant pourra vivre dans la dignité et le respect de ses droits fondamentaux.

Le CIDE est actuellement engagé dans une démarche RSE (responsabilité sociétale des entreprises). Ce label délivré par l’AFNOR (Association française de normalisation), attestera de l’impact des décisions du CIDE et de son engagement à contribuer aux 17 objectifs de développement durable fixés par l’ONU, selon des critères « environnement, social et gouvernance ». Cela lui permettra également d’accéder au réseau « Responsibility Europe », un réseau d’entreprises et organisations vertueuses.

Contacts :

Alexandra Levy, secrétariat général du CIDE: 077 266 98 37

Georges Glatz, président du Conseil de Fondation du CIDE: 079 203 63 63

Anne Plessz, membre du Conseil de Fondation du CIDE et chargée de communication: 079 477 09 90

Inceste et pédocriminalité: un reportage poignant révèle les lacunes du système judiciaire, mettant en lumière le courage des mères dans leur lutte pour la protection de leurs enfants. Il évoque en outre l’engagement continu du CIDE sur cette question cruciale.

La psychologue Mme Failletaz, spécialisée dans l’audition de victimes et assesseur auprès de la justice, est révoltée de la tournure actuelle de cette affaire .
Le témoignage de l’enfant n’est pas entendu par la justice belge et vaudoise.


Priscilla Majani a été libérée de la prison des Baumettes et a rejoint sa famille qu’elle n’avait plus revue depuis 13 ans. Condamnée à une peine de 2 ans et 9 mois pour avoir quitté la France et être entrée dans la clandestinité pour soustraire sa fille, Camille, à un père qu’elle accuse depuis 2011 de viol et d’agression sexuelle à l’encontre de sa fille. A sa libération, Mme Majani avait déjà purgé 1 an et 10 mois de sa peine. Contre toute attente, l’avocat général de la Cour d’appel a donné un avis favorable à la requête de mise en libération. Ce recours peut faire jurisprudence.Toutefois, Mme Majani a interdiction de quitter le territoire français.
Le CIDE soutient Mme Majani depuis de nombreuses années. Le CIDE avait notamment dénoncé la légèreté extrême avec laquelle l’enquête sur le père de Camille a été menée, celle-ci n’ayant duré que 2 jours avant d’être classée sans suite. Mme Majani encourait 5 ans de prison dont 4 ans fermes. Grâce au soutien du CIDE et l’intervention de Bernard Bouloc (professeur de droit), cette dernière a bénéficié d’une réduction de peine; les chefs d’accusation de diffamation et non représentation d’enfant n’ayant pas été retenus par la Cour d’Appel d’Aix-en-Provence.

L’affaire du petit Léo* (6 ans) qui se joue actuellement entre la Belgique et la Suisse illustre à quel point la justice est capable de prendre des décisions basées essentiellement sur le comportement des parents sans prendre en considération la parole de l’enfant. 

Pour le CIDE, Comité International pour la Dignité de l’enfant, en lutte depuis plus de 32 ans pour les droits de l’enfant, il est donc urgent d’alerter le public afin que la justice n’oublie pas de placer la parole de l’enfant au cœur de la prise de décision.

Etant d’ailleurs rappelé que l’article 296a du Code civil suisse énonce le principe selon lequel, lorsqu’ils statuent en matière de droit de la famille, les tribunaux doivent prendre en considération l’intérêt supérieur de l’enfant.

 La mère du petit Léo rapporte que son fils s’étant plaint de comportements à connotation sexuelle de son père, elle a déposé plainte devant les autorités belges. Le procureur du roi classe sans suite. Pour la mère de Léo, la procédure a été bâclée. Comme souvent dans ce type de dossier, la parole du petit Léo a été écartée au motif que son discours lui aurait été dicté par sa mère, une manifestation du syndrome d’aliénation parentale.

Dès lors, la mère se met à avoir de sérieux doutes sur le bon fonctionnement de la justice de son pays. Elle prend ainsi la décision douloureuse de quitter la Belgique, de tout laisser derrière elle pour venir s’installer en Suisse où, pense-t-elle, Léo sera mieux protégé.

Lors d’une consultation, le Dr Paratte, spécialiste en médecine interne à Val d’Illiez s’inquiète du comportement de Léo et l’adresse en urgence à une psychologue, spécialiste en psychothérapie et formée aux auditions des victimes d’infraction, Madame Failletaz qui va suivre l’enfant pendant plusieurs mois.  Léo exprime alors toute sa détresse, ses angoisses et lui fait part de ses idées morbides allant jusqu’à dire qu’il préfère mourir que de retourner chez son père. Mme Failletaz conclut que les faits décrits par le jeune Léo sont hautement crédibles.

La psychologue suisse, diplômée en protection de l’enfant et assesseur reconnue en justice adresse alors un rapport au procureur du roi en Belgique pour dénoncer les faits.

Pas de réponse, juste un courriel automatique.

S’il avait été adressé à une autorité judiciaire suisse, ce même rapport aurait entraîné fixation d’une audience au cours de laquelle la psychologue aurait pu démontrer que l’audition de Léo avait été effectuée selon un protocole très précis,l’enfant ayant été entendu seul à l’aide de questions ouvertes et non inductives. Et elle aurait pu produire les enregistrements audios de l’enfant.

En d’autres termes, elle aurait été en mesure de faire entendre la parole de Léo.

Parole écartée par les autorités belges au nom du sacro-saint syndrome d’aliénation parentale. Soit en bref que la mère inciterait son enfant à porter de fausses accusations de maltraitance.

Il est intéressant à cet égard de relever que ce syndrome d’aliénation parentale n’a aucun fondement scientifique. C’est une notion inventée dans les années 80 par le psychiatre Richard Gardner, ardent défenseur de la pédophilie. Selon lui, les activités sexuelles entre adultes et enfants font partie du répertoire naturel de l’activité sexuelle humaine. Propagandiste de la zoophilie, de la nécrophilie, de la coprophilie, il avance que la pédophilie peut améliorer la survie de l’espèce humaine en servant des « buts procréateurs » (1992,).

La communauté scientifique ne reconnaît pas les travaux de Gardner et considère le syndrome d’aliénation parentale comme de la pseudo-science. Il ne figure d’ailleurs pas dans le Manuel diagnostique et statistique des troubles mentaux (DSM-V).

Enfin, s’agissant de la crédibilité de la parole de l’enfant, les statistiques révèlent que les témoignages inventés sont infimes. (3% selon le rapport de la Ciivise, la Commission indépendante sur l’inceste et les violences sexuelles faites aux enfants).

Revenons-en à Léo. Son père saisit la justice suisse, vaudoise en l’espèce, pour exiger son retour immédiat en Belgique.

On aurait été à minima en droit d’attendre des magistrats qu’ils procèdent à l’audition du médecin et de la psychologue suisses qui ont constaté le mal-être et la détresse de Léo. Et qui s’inscrivent en faux contre les arguments belges consistant à soutenir que la mère est dangereuse et Léo manipulé (syndrome d’aliénation parentale)

Mais non. Ils se sont bornés à reprendre les arguments de leurs collègues magistrats belges et ont écarté la parole de l’enfant.

C’est choquant. Tant à l’égard d’un enfant en grave souffrance, qu’à l’égard du travail effectué par des professionnels suisses. La parole de Léo n’a pas été prise en considération. Et donc, avec une célérité étonnante, le tribunal cantonal a ordonné son retour immédiat en Belgique. L’affaire était tellement urgente que la police s’est présentée à l’école pour l’emmener dans un lieu inconnu de la mère…

Mais oui ! C’est bien ici que cela vient de se passer !

Rien ne change. Il y a deux mille ans, Ezéchiel disait : ils ont des oreilles pour entendre et n’entendent point.

Avec pour conséquence que le jugement rendu par le tribunal cantonal vaudois laisse subsister deux questions lancinantes :

Pourquoi Léo n’a-t-il pas été entendu ?

Son retour en Belgique ne le met-il pas en danger de mort ?

*Léo prénom d’emprunt

CIDE (Comité International pour la Dignité de l’Enfant) Pully 1009 Suisse. Président Georges Glatz.

Informations : tel +41 77 266 98 37     

La réaction n’a pas tardé après l’annonce du gouvernement français d’écarter sa figure de proue, le juge Édouard Durand de la présidence de la Ciivise, Commission indépendante sur l’inceste et les violences sexuelles faites aux enfants. L’annonce de son remplacement par l’ex-rugbyman Sébastien Boueilh, déjà membre de la commission, a provoqué la démission de 11 de ses 25 membres en guise de protestation. Ils ont « l’impression qu’on cherche à mettre un couvercle sur la libération de la parole que la Ciivise a entraînée ». Le CIDE est choqué par cette mise à l’écart du juge Durand et soutient les démissionnaires. Cette éviction discrédite la démarche du gouvernement français. 

Dans leur communiqué, relayé par l’agence France-Presse, les membres démissionnaires écrivent : «Nous déplorons que les deux coprésidents (le juge des enfants Durand et Nathalie Mathieu) n’aient pas été préalablement informés ni du maintien de la Ciivise ni de la nomination (à sa tête) de Sébastien Boueilh, et donc de l’éviction d’Édouard Durand». Ils ajoutent qu’ils dénoncent ce silence en réponse leurs sollicitations «d’autant plus au regard de notre mission qui visait à “briser le silence»


Courrier resté sans réponse

Ces membres de la CIIVISE rappellent qu’ils avaient demandé par courrier le 10 novembre à le secrétaire d’Etat Charlotte Caubel «le maintien de la Ciivise avec Édouard Durand» à sa tête.  Ils déplorent le fait qu’aucune réponse ne leurs a été apportée : « C’est d’ailleurs par voie de presse que nous avons appris le maintien de la commission le 19 novembre», regrettent les signataires, dont les psychiatres Muriel Salmona et Karen Sadlier, les fondateurs d’associations de victimes Arnaud Gallais et Laurent Boyet ou encore Eva Thomas, l’une des premières personnes à avoir témoigné publiquement de l’inceste dont elle a été victime. 

Couvercle sur la libération de la parole

 «On a l’impression qu’on cherche à mettre un couvercle sur la libération de la parole que la Ciivise a entraînée», a indiqué jeudi soir à l’AFP Laurent Boyet. «Nous craignons que cela marque un affaiblissement de la lutte contre l’inceste, qui n’est plus au cœur de la feuille de route de la Ciivise», a indiqué de son coté Muriel Salmona. Elle relève que Caroline Rey-Salmon, pédiatre et experte judiciaire, nommée vice-présidente de la Ciivise lundi, «s’était opposée à une préconisation phare de la Ciivise : rendre obligatoire le signalement par les médecins». 

Le gouvernement perd de son crédit 

Voilà qui éclaire sous un autre angle les intentions du gouvernement suite à la publication édifiant du rapport de la Ciivise. Les associations actives dans ce domaine plaidaient en faveur du maintien du juge Edouard Durand, apprécié notamment pour son indépendance et son franc-parler. Son aura médiatique et ses critiques répétées sur les dysfonctionnements du traitement judiciaire des violences sexuelles agaçaient. La décision peut-être qualifiée de camouflet dans la mesure où la Ciivise, sous l’égide d’Édouard Durand a accompli un travail exceptionnel par son ambition et son ampleur. Le gouvernement fait fausse route. Par cette décision, il perd une grande partie de la crédibilité qu’il avait gagnée en prolongeant le mandat de la Ciivise.Source : Agence France-Presse

Au lendemain de la présentation du rapport de la CIIVISE, le député LFI-NUPES Léo Walter interroge la secrétaire d’État chargée de l’Enfance Charlotte Caubel lors des questions au gouvernement sur le maintien de la Commission Indépendante sur l’Inceste et les Violences Sexuelles faites aux Enfants. 

La secrétaire d’État à l’enfance Charlotte Caubel a annoncé à plusieurs médias la poursuite des activités de la Commission indépendante sur l’inceste et les violences sexuelles faites aux enfants (Ciivise). Ses missions pourraient même être élargies au-delà notamment de la seule question de l’inceste. Jusqu’ici le gouvernement avait entretenu le flou sur le devenir de cette commission, à la grande inquiétude des associations qui souhaitent qu’elle continue son travail, parmi lesquelles le CIDE.

Chargée avant tout de lutter contre l’inceste, la Ciivise devrait continuer à exister avec « une nouvelle feuille de route ». Selon Mme Caubel, «on doit maintenant se saisir d’autres sujets primordiaux que sont l’impact de la pédocriminalité en ligne sur la pédocriminalité réelle, de l’accès à la pornographie et donc de l’éducation à la sexualité de nos enfants. Il y a aussi la prostitution des mineurs, qui devient un sujet énorme.»

« Nous avons aujourd’hui des millions de photos d’enfants violés en ligne et un certain nombre d’adultes regardent ça continuellement. Nous avons beaucoup d’enjeux autour des violences sexuelles sur les mineurs. Nous avons aussi un enjeu dans les institutions », notamment sur « les enfants handicapés », a-t-elle indiqué.


Imprescriptibilité des infractions, le doute

La Ciivise préconise l’imprescriptibilité des actes de violences sexuelles sur les enfants. « Sur ce sujet, le gouvernement pense qu’il s’agit d’un débat national qui doit être porté devant par le Parlement», a-t-elle déclaré. L’ancienne magistrate reste prudente sur cette question: «Je vous pose juste la question de savoir si ça ne risque pas de créer de la frustration pour un certain nombre de victimes qui pourrait imaginer qu’elles peuvent porter plainte très très tard et qui reculerait cette date de plainte, qui est toujours un moment extrêmement compliqué».


Des moyens à élargir

La Ciivise bénéficie aujourd’hui d’un budget de 2 millions d’euros. «L’objectif, c’est déjà de pérenniser ces moyens», dit-elle en ajoutant «qu’en fonction de la feuille de route, notamment, si on doit avoir une dimension technologique (dans le cadre de la lutte contre la cyber-pédocriminalité par exemple), évidemment, il faudra mettre des experts et des compétences supplémentaires dans la Ciivise », a-t-elle affirmé.


Un « crime de masse »

Présidée par le juge pour enfants Edouard Durand et la responsable associative Nathalie Mathieu, la Ciivise a vu le jour en mars 2021, dans le sillage de l’onde de choc provoquée par le livre « la Familia Grande » de Camille Kouchner, accusant son beau-père, le politologue Olivier Duhamel, de viols sur son frère jumeau. En l’espace de deux ans, la commission a recueilli près de 30.000 témoignages et rendu au gouvernement un rapport de 82 recommandations pour lutter contre ce «crime de masse» qui touche, selon elle, 160.000 enfants chaque année.


Le juge Durand menacé

Charlotte Caubel n’a par ailleurs pas donné d’indication sur le sort du juge Durand, défendu par nombre d’associations mais dont l’avenir à la tête de la Ciivise semble fragile. Son aura médiatique, la mise en cause répétée des dysfonctionnements du traitement judiciaire des violences sexuelles et son indépendance agacent, selon des observateurs. Le CIDE tient à manifester son soutien au juge Durand et ses collègues qui ont fait preuve de beaucoup de courage dans le cadre de la mission essentielle qui leur a été confiée.


Sources : AFP/Journal du Dimanche/France Info/Libération/Europe 1

Suite au rapport de l’ONU sur d’éventuelles violations, des « Obligations légales de la France en vertu du droit international des droits de l’homme » et de la « Convention relative aux droits de l’enfant », la France a réagi et publié récemment un document de plus de 50 pages. La mission permanente de la France auprès de l’Office des Nations Unies ne répond toutefois pas directement aux interrogations et requêtes des rapporteurs de l’ONU. Christophe Peschoux, ex-chef de section des procédures spéciales auprès du bureau du Haut-Commissariat aux droits de l’homme des Nations unies a fait savoir à France Soir que la réponse de la France était « extrêmement décevante ». Selon le quotidien français, « la déception est partagée par les trois rapporteurs onusiens signataires de la communication adressée au gouvernement français ». L’ONU n’a toutefois  officiellement pas encore réagi.

Selon la journaliste de France Soir Laurence Beneux, excellente connaisseuse du dossier, le gouvernement français est accusé de chercher à « noyer le poisson » en donnant, dans une réponse exceptionnellement longue, un narratif tendancieux et parcellaire des affaires judiciaires évoquées : « J’ai rarement vu une réponse aussi longue » , déclare Christophe Peschoux à France Soir, « mais qui ne donne aucune réponse sur le fond, se retranche derrière le fait qu’il y a des informations judiciaires en cours et une présomption d’innocence qui ne tient aucun compte de l’intérêt supérieur de l’enfant, ainsi que derrière l’impossibilité pour l’exécutif d’intervenir dans des affaires judiciaires. »

Christophe Peschoux évoque dans France Soir les chiffres officiels de la Commission indépendante sur l’inceste et les violences sexuelles faites aux enfants (CIIVISE), selon lesquels  « 160 000 enfants sont victimes chaque année de violences sexuelles en France et 73% des plaintes classées sans suite », et que « celles qui sont instruites ne mènent à des condamnations que dans 0,4% des cas » ce qui, d’après lui, « indique une impunité systémique ». Il déplore que « le gouvernement français ne se remette aucunement en cause et ne concède pas que des améliorations sont nécessaires. Il rappelle également que l’indigence française à protéger les enfants n’est pas un phénomène nouveau et qu’elle était déjà documentée, il y a vingt ans ». Il regrette « que le gouvernement français n’ait pas tenu compte des recommandations de ce dernier et relève qu’il s’agit d’un phénomène de fond : au lieu de protéger les victimes, la justice se retourne contre elles jusqu’à jeter les mères qui résistent en prison.»

En conclusion,  il fait savoir que « les rapporteurs signataires de cette communication vont examiner soigneusement tous les détails de la réponse du gouvernement français, et que ce dossier est réouvert aux Nations unies.»

Les demandes des rapporteurs de l’ONU :

  1. Veuillez nous fournir toute information ou commentaire supplémentaire concernant les allégations susmentionnées.
  2. Veuillez fournir des informations détaillées sur les décisions judiciaires prises dans les trois cas illustratifs décrits, et en particulier sur la raison pour laquelle la garde des enfants a été confiée aux pères, contre lesquels il existe des preuves troublantes d’abus sexuels incestueux.
  3. Quelles mesures ont été prises dans ces cas pour protéger les enfants contre tout risque de violence sexuelle ou de poursuite de la violence sexuelle, conformément aux principes de l’absence de préjudice, de la précaution et de l’intérêt supérieur de l’enfant ?
  4. Expliquer pourquoi, en cas de doute sur la véracité ou la fiabilité des allégations d’abus sexuels commis par ces enfants ou leurs mères, le bénéfice du doute est apparemment accordé à l’auteur présumé plutôt qu’aux enfants. Veuillez préciser comment l’intérêt supérieur des enfants est déterminé afin de les protéger.
  5. Quelles mesures ont été prises, dans chacun de ces cas, pour vérifier les allégations faites par les enfants et leurs mères, y compris des enquête appropriées sur le père contre lequel les allégations ont été faites ? 6. Veuillez fournir des preuves documentées que le principe fondamental de l’égalité des armes est respecté, afin de garantir l’équité des procédures judiciaires dans ces affaires.
  6. Veuillez fournir des informations détaillées sur les protocoles existants pour faire face aux risques imminents pour les enfants, et en particulier sur les mesures mises en place pour éviter que les enfants de Mme Dam-Stokholm, Mme Majani et Mme Abida ne continuent d’être victimes d’abus sexuels ou de revictimisation.
  7. Veuillez également décrire les mesures prises pour sensibiliser les responsables de l’application de la loi et du secteur de la justice à la protection de l’enfance et renforcer leurs capacités en la matière, afin de garantir un procès équitable, l’obligation de rendre des comptes et la réparation pour les enfants victimes et survivants d’abus sexuels en général et au sein de la famille en particulier.
  8. Veuillez fournir des détails sur les mesures législatives, administratives et judiciaires qui répondent aux besoins spécifiques des enfants, conformément à leur intérêt supérieur, dans les procédures de divorce et de garde, et qui prévoient également des enquêtes efficaces sur toute allégation criminelle découlant de ces procédures.
  9. Veuillez fournir des informations sur l’existence d’un système d’identification, d’évaluation et d’orientation des victimes axé sur l’enfant, ainsi que sur toute procédure opérationnelle standard visant à assurer une coordination efficace entre les forces de l’ordre et les autres prestataires de services, afin de garantir que, lorsque l’auteur présumé est le père et qu’une enquête criminelle est en cours, la mère ne soit pas détenue et accusée d’enlèvement d’enfant.
  10. Veuillez fournir des informations sur l’existence de mécanismes de plainte, de signalement et d’orientation adaptés aux enfants, qui permettent aux victimes de signaler les abus sans crainte ni stigmatisation
  11. Veuillez indiquer s’il existe des centres d’accueil pour les enfants présumés victimes d’abus sexuels, offrant un accès à des soins de santé complets et à des services de conseil.
  12. Veuillez fournir des informations sur les mesures prises par le gouvernement pour garantir une diligence raisonnable dans les cas de violence à l’égard des femmes et des filles, et pour prévenir et combattre la violence à l’égard des femmes et des filles.
  13. Veuillez décrire les mesures mises en place pour fournir des mesures provisoires et un espace sûr aux personnes exposées à un risque imminent d’abus et de violence sexuels, y compris la collaboration transfrontalière et la coopération entre les États.

    Commentaire final des rapporteurs de l’ONU:

« Nous demandons instamment que toutes les mesures provisoires nécessaires soient prises pour mettre fin aux violations alléguées et empêcher qu’elles ne se reproduisent et, au cas où les enquêtes confirmeraient ou suggéreraient que les allégations sont correctes, de veiller à ce que toute personne responsable des violations alléguées réponde de ses actes. Nous demandons également que des mesures efficaces soient prises pour éviter que de tels événements ne se reproduisent.

En l’absence d’une réponse réfléchie à cette communication, visant à établir un dialogue avec le gouvernement de votre Excellence, nous prenons la liberté d’exprimer publiquement nos préoccupations dans ces affaires. Nous pensons que la situation pénible dans laquelle se trouvent ces enfants et leurs mères à la suite de décisions de justice devrait faire l’objet d’une attention urgente. Nous pensons également qu’un débat national sur ces questions préoccupantes permettrait de clarifier la situation et, le cas échéant, de prendre des mesures correctives durables. Le bien-être de milliers d’enfants semble être en jeu dans la situation actuelle. Toute déclaration publique de notre part indiquera que nous avons été en contact avec le gouvernement de votre Excellence pour clarifier ces questions ».

On relèvera en conclusion que les commentaires et hypothèse de ce rapport de l’OUNU viennent d’être confirmées par le rapport de la CIIVISE dont nos avons rendu compte dans une récente publication.

Pour avoir accès à la communication des rapporteurs de l’ONU, cliquez sur ce lien :


Pour avoir accès la réponse du gouvernement français, cliquez sur ce lien:

En France, la Commission indépendante sur l’inceste et les violences sexuelles faites aux enfants (CIIVISE), forte du recueil de 30 000 témoignages, a rendu un rapport édifiant qui comprend 82 préconisations. La CIIVISE conclut qu’il ne faut pas s’arrêter en chemin, sortir du déni et poursuivre le travail. Le CIDE appuie cette démarche.



« Nous, la société, nous nous sommes trompés.

Nous avons cru qu’il était préférable de faire comme si ça n’existait pas, comme si c’était impossible.

Nous avons préféré ne pas voir.

Il est possible de sortir du déni, de remettre la loi à sa place, d’être à la hauteur des enfants victimes et des adultes qu’ils sont devenus. »


LA CONCLUSION DES EXPERTS: « Nos préconisations formulées dans ce rapport sont réalistes et réalisables. Leur mise en œuvre sera moins coûteuse que le coût du déni. Il serait insensé de prétendre que trois années suffiraient. Ça n’est possible que si l’on garantit la continuité de la CIIVISE, c’est-à-dire sa doctrine. L’équivoque, c’est l’arme des agresseurs, la clarté c’est celle de la CIIVISE.»


UN TRAVAIL COLOSSAL – Selon le quotidien « Le Monde » Le travail, colossal, mené sous la coprésidence du magistrat Edouard Durand et de la travailleuse sociale Nathalie Mathieu, tient en 600 pages. La commission a recueilli près de 30 000 témoignages lors d’auditions, par téléphone, par écrit, par l’intermédiaire de son questionnaire en ligne ou lors des réunions publiques organisées chaque mois dans une ville de France. Il a été remis à Charlotte Caubel, la secrétaire d’Etat chargée de l’enfance.

CE N’EST QU’UNE ETAPE, LE TRAVAIL DOIT SE POURSUIVRE – « Nous espérons qu’il ne s’agit pas d’un rapport final mais d’un rapport d’étape, a déclaré au magazine « Le Point » le magistrat Édouard Durand. Parce que cet espace inédit « a ouvert une brèche dans le déni », expose-t-il, et que « ces premières dizaines de milliers de témoignages nous obligent ». Le maintien de la Ciivise – initialement instituée pour deux ans puis prolongée d’une année – doit être ou non décidé dans les jours à venir.



👉 Pour lire le rapport et sa synthèse, RDV sur


Le reportage du quotidien « Le Monde » sur ce lien:


Le reportage du magazine « Le Point » sur ce lien:

Le juge d’application des peines a annoncé aujourd’hui qu’il avait refusé la demande de libération de Priscilla Majani. La requête a été jugée recevable contrairement à ce qu’estimait le parquet, mais le juge estime «qu’il n’est pas possible d’exclure le risque de soustraction à la justice».

Justice dans le déni

Malgré sa condamnation, Mme Majani continue de revendiquer le fait d’avoir voulu protéger sa fille Camille. Selon son avocate Myriam Guedj Benayoun « cette décision démontre encore que la justice est dans le déni de la parole des victimes et de celle de Camille qui encore une fois a réitéré ses accusations et sa  plainte contre son père en novembre dernier. La justice ne veut pas et ne sait pas reconnaître ses erreurs».

Mère injustement criminalisée

Toujours selon son avocate, « plutôt que de rouvrir l’enquête contre le père de Camille à la lumière des nouveaux éléments recueillis, la justice continue de criminaliser sa mère. Nous sommes déçues et nous tristes pour Priscilla Majani, pour la justice de notre pays et l’image qu’elle donne et également pour tous les parents protecteurs qui mènent ce combat. »

Il y a un mois, son avocate avait soulingé le fait que « sa fille étant protégée et bientôt majeure, Me Majani n’a aucune raison de fuir la justice et elle ne présente aucun risque de récidive et aucune dangerosité. Elle a commis les faits dans un contexte particulier qui n’a plus aucune possibilité de se réaliser de nouveau. »

Appel de cette décision

Me Guedj Benayoun conclut : « Nous ne lâcherons rien, car nous avions raison de dire que le parquet avait tort dans des analyses juridiques ineptes. Et nous allons maintenant relever appel pour contester cette décision. »



Mme Majani a été condamnée à une peine de 2 ans et 9 mois, pour avoir quitté la France et être entrée dans la clandestinité pour soustraire sa fille, Camille, à un père qu’elle accuse depuis 2011 de viol et d’agression sexuelle. Elle a déjà purgé 1 an et 8 mois de sa peine. La Cour d’appel d’Aix en Provence l’avait pourtant relaxée de sa condamnation en première instance pour dénonciation calomnieuse, « estimant qu’elle n’avait pas porté d’accusations mensongères – au sujet des agressions présumées du père, mais au contraire dénoncé les propos de sa fille Camille».

Après être entrée en clandestinité et s’être cachée dans la région de Morges, elle avait été arrêtée à Préverenges en février 2022 lors d’un contrôle fortuit par une patrouille de Police Région Morges puis placée à la prison de Lonay, la fugitive avait été extradée vers la France. Sa fille est désormais majeure.

Il faudra encore patienter pour savoir si la jeune Camille (17 ans) et sa maman Priscilla Majani pourront bientôt fêter leurs retrouvailles. Les soutiens à Mme Majani – parmi lesquels le CIDE – espéraient une libération rapide, mais le juge d’applicaton des peines a décidé lors de l’audience du 5 septembre de reporter sa décision au 6 octobre alors qu’en principe, elle aurait du être rendue dans les 4 jours.



Les explications de Myriam Benayoun, avocate de Priscilla Majani: «le parquet a demandé le rejet de notre requête, car il estime qu’on ne peut pas demander un aménagement de peine quand elle n’est pas définitive. Or Priscilla a fait un pourvoi en cassation ce qui fait que sa peine n’est pas définitive. Nous ne sommes pas du tout d’accord avec son analyse juridique des textes. Maintenant, c’est au juge d’application des peines de décider d’une part si notre demande est recevable et d’autre part s’il accepte la libération de Priscilla. C’est pour ça qu’il a mis un délai un peu plus long au 6 octobre.»


Les arguments des avocates de Mme Majani:

Mme MAJANI s’est pourvue en cassation et reste donc sous le régime de la détention provisoire.

L’exécution de la ou des peines prononcées à la requête du ministère public a lieu lorsque la décision est devenue définitive.

Sa peine n’était donc pas définitive et pas exécutoire.

Aucun texte du code de procédure pénale ne mentionne l’obligation d’une peine définitive pour aménager une peine.

Mme Majani est en droit de solliciter un aménagement de peine malgré le pourvoi en cassation.

La libération conditionnelle peut être accordée lorsque la durée de la peine accomplie par le condamné est au moins égale à la durée de la peine lui restant à subir. Ce qui est le cas pour Mme Majani.

Sa fille étant protégée et bientôt majeure, elle n’a aucune raison de fuir la justice et Mme Priscilla MAJANI ne présente donc aucun risque de récidive et aucune dangerosité. Elle a commis les faits dans un contexte particulier qui n’a plus aucune possibilité de se réaliser de nouveau.

Elle a une promesse d’embauche et un logement en perspective.

La papier de 24 Heures sur ce lien :

Trois commissions spéciales de l’ONU se sont adressées récemment aux autorités françaises pour pointer des dysfonctionnements importants dans le traitement de l’affaire Majani, cette femme condamnée à de la prison ferme pour avoir fui avec sa fille dans le but de la protéger de son père. La France a jusqu’à fin septembre pour s’exprimer. Par ailleurs, après 18 mois de détention, Priscilla Majani a demandé, pour la 3ème fois, sa mise en liberté conditionnelle. Dans ce contexte, l’actrice française Eva Darlan, qui préside le comité de soutien à Mme Majani a relancé son action « J’aurai fait comme elle ».


La France mise en cause

Ces commissions de l’ONU (sur la vente et l’exploitation sexuelle des enfants, sur les violences faites aux femmes et aux filles, ses causes et ses conséquences, et sur les discriminations à l’égard des femmes et les filles) ont adressé une communication aux autorités françaises. Il y a tout lieu de croire qu’elles y pointent des dysfonctionnements importants relevés tant sur la protection de l’enfant que de son parent protecteur. Depuis la transmission de ce dossier, le 27 juillet, la France avait deux mois pour s’exprimer. Ce n’est qu’à la suite de ce délai que le contenu de ce document de l’ONU et son éventuelle réponse seront rendus publiques. Cette communication concerne non seulement Priscilla Majani, mais aussi deux autres femmes : Sophie Abida et Anna Dam Stockholm.


Le rôle du CIDE

Le Comité international pour la dignité de l’enfant (CIDE) est l’origine de cette procédure. En 2003, suite à l’intervention du CIDE, Juan Miguel Petit, rapporteur spécial de l’ONU sur la vente d’enfants, la prostitution d’enfants et la pornographie impliquant des enfants, avait déjà pointé la France au regard de la silenciation de la parole des victimes et de la défaillance de son système judiciaire pour protéger les enfants. Il dénonçait le fait que les personnes qui suspectent et signalent des maltraitantes ne sont ni crues ni protégées.


Action collective ONU

Vingt ans plus tard, malgré la création en France de la Commission Indépendante sur l’Inceste et les Violences Sexuelles faites aux Enfants (CIIVISE) et les communications institutionnelles annonçant des actions en faveur de la protection des enfants, le même constat peut être fait.
Raison pour laquelle, le CIDE a entrepris une démarche afin que les commissions de l’ONU précitées se penchent sur ces nouveaux cas. C’est ainsi qu’est né le groupe Action collective ONU constitué de deux avocates françaises sensibles à cette cause : Me Sophie Beyanoun et Me Myriam Guedj Benayoun. Leur démarche est générale et concerne d’autres cas que celui de Mme Majani dont elles sont les avocates : « Nous sommes dans les cas d’inversions de culpabilité où des parents protecteurs se retrouvent condamnés » déplore Me Guedj Benayoun.


Parole des enfants discréditées

Selon le comité de soutien de Mme Majani, « en France, la parole des jeunes enfants qui dénoncent des violences intra-familiales notamment sexuelles n’est pas crue ; elle est discréditée par le recours à des concepts tels que l’aliénation parentale, l’instrumentalisation de l’enfant ou de conflit parental, et alors que selon une étude officielle faite en 2001 sur 30 000 affaires, le taux de fausses allégations est insignifiant (0.8%) 73% des plaintes recensées sont classées sans suite (selon la CIIVISE), ce qui aboutit selon le Juge Durant, coprésident de la CIIVISE à 0.4 % de condamnation et à un véritable système d’impunité. »


Mme Majani soutenue, mais sous pression

Dans une récente publication facebook, Eva Darlan, la présidente du comité de soutien de Mme Majani, relève que « Priscilla purge sa peine en étant soutenue par une partie de ses codétenues et l’administration pénitentiaire, mais qu’elle subit aussi des pressions, à cause de la forte médiatisation de son dossier. L’Observatoire National des Prisons a du intervenir dans ses intérêts aux côtés de ses avocates. La commission spéciale de l’ONU sur la détention arbitraire est également saisie du dossier et a demandé la possibilité d’aller rendre visite à Priscilla en détention.


Campagne de soutien relancée

L’actrice française, très engagée pour cette cause, a décidé de relancer la campagne « J’aurais fait la même chose qu’elle » afin que sa demande de remise en liberté soit entendue.


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Bref rappel historique

Priscilla Majani avait été condamnée en appel au début de cette année par la justice française pour soustraction et non-présentation d’enfant par la cour d’appel d’Aix-en-Provence. Dans les faits, elle était entrée en clandestinité pour protéger sa fille des actes de son père qu’elle a dénoncé pour violence et inceste. Après le classement sans suite d’une plainte pour viol contre son ex-mari, elle avait fuit la France et vécu dix ans à l’étranger en clandestinité avant d’être arrêtée à Morges en février 2022 lors d’un simple contrôle de police.


En première instance, Mme Majani avait été condamnée en septembre 2022 à 5 ans de prison. Par la suite, le CIDE a demandé un avis de droit au professeur Bernard  Bouloc. Grâce à cet avis de droit produit lors d’un procès en appel de janvier 2023, et à l’excellent travail  de Me Sophie Benayoum et Me Myriam Guedj Benayoun, avocates de Mme Majani, la peine a été considérablement réduite, soit à 2 ans et 9 mois. Les juges n’avaient finalement pas retenu le chef d’accusation de « dénonciations calomnieuse et mensongère.

Pour connaitre la position du CIDE dans le cadre de la polémique autour de l’exposition de l’artiste suisse Miriam Cahn et son tableau intitulé « Fuck Abstraction », retrouvez le communiqué de presse du CIDE ainsi qu’un article de la RTS du 23 mars 2023.

The Court of Appeal of Aix-en-Provence has just rendered its verdict in the Majani case: it sentenced Priscilla Majani to 2 years and 9 months imprisonment. The charges of defamation and non representation of a child were not retained. Only the charge of child abduction remains.


Our Foundation came to support Priscilla Majani and her defense (two lawyers) on the occasion of her appeal trial on November 23. Remember that this mother, had fled France in 2011 with her daughter Camille because of suspicions of sexual abuse by the father. Mrs. Majani is now facing 5 years in prison, including 4 years of imprisonment, following her arrest and extradition from Switzerland, where she had taken refuge for eleven years.

In this case, Cide can only notice the extreme lightness with which the investigation on Camille's father was conducted, this one having lasted only two days before being classified without continuation. This is all the more shocking as we learn today, through the courage of Alain Chauvet's first daughter, who insisted on testifying at the appeal, that her father was already violent and abusive towards his children, long before Camille was born.

In addition, we learned yesterday during the hearing of the court of appeal that Camille has, on November 18, filed a criminal complaint in Switzerland against her father.

At the end of this long hearing with a tense and heavy atmosphere, we regret that the request for release under judicial supervision of Priscilla Majani pending the deliberation of January 4, 2023 was rejected, meaning that Camille will be deprived of her mother for the holidays. Mrs. Majani had proposed herself to be placed under house arrest and to wear an electronic bracelet if necessary.

We hope and support wholeheartedly the release of Priscilla Majani, and will remain at her side.

One pedophile...why so many victims?

Two trials in Rennes and Strasbourg must ask us about the strategies of abusers and the means of prevention to be implemented.

A 36-year-old amateur magician was sentenced at the Rennes assizes on October 14 to 18 years in prison after being found guilty of rape and sexual assault of 27 minors under the age of 15, committed between 2006 and 2017. The man, who was active in France and Switzerland, used his role as a magician to approach his victims. After the judgment, the international delegate of CIDE, Sarah BELKATTAL, went to interview Maître Gwendoline TENIER, lawyer of one of the victims.


S: What are the particularities and characteristics of pedo-crime cases in your opinion?

MT: If we look at the personalities of the defendants, we may find commonalities between the defendants who are presented before the different jurisdictions, and unfortunately commonalities also in the personalities of the victims and the families of the victims, since we are dealing with patterns that are repeated and resemble each other from one case to another.

In the Rennes case, a man succeeded in integrating families, most of which had the same structure, i.e. single-parent families with single mothers, and children who did not have in mind what a father and male figure was in the home. In search of this figure, the children accepted to host a man, who was a man they could trust, a man who gave the impression and the appearance of someone they could trust.

S: How were the children targeted?

MT: I think initially by their age, because in this particular case this man had an age range in mind that he was particularly interested in. It's almost as if he was making contact with these families on the basis of that first criterion.

S: How can you explain that there were so many victims?

MT: It is very difficult to explain. First of all, there is a huge gap, over a period of time that goes from 2014 to 2017, due to the inertia of the French authorities, since this man was denounced a first time in 2014 without anything happening. The denunciation was certainly not very clear, because it came from a very young child, with her own words and with all the uncertainty or in any case imprecision that this includes, and all this was left aside for three years, and during those three years, this man was much, much too much in the news.

S: What was the predation system used by this man?

MT: Besides the fact that he selected the families where he was going to be able to implement his deviances, he also had a real role of facilitator insofar as he was a magician and balloon maker for the children, which made it easier for him to make contact with them.

S: Is this a system of predation that is often found in cases of pedocriminality?

MT: Actually, it's quite simple: it's a matter of finding a vector, an element that the children themselves are going to adopt as something pleasing to them, and it's all going to be done in such a way that the children aren't even going to realize that they are being victimized by a man."


In the other Strasbourg case, nicknamed the "shark" case

A 50-year-old former scout leader and physics-chemistry teacher was sentenced to 20 years in prison by the Bas-Rhin (Strasbourg) court of assize for sexually assaulting 34 girls and raping 3 of them between 2007 and 2018. The man, who usually committed his molestation in his swimming pool, admitted that he used his own daughters as bait so that they would invite their friends. In this case, the vector was an inflatable shark-shaped buoy that allowed the predator to approach the children through play in the pool and then in the shower.


These cases show how important prevention is.

On September 23, CIDE participated in a press conference organized in the context of the case of Pauline Bourgoin, whose daughter, Louise (3 years old), was the subject of a placement decision by the Aide Sociale à l'Enfance (ASE).

The CIDE has recalled that the best interests of the child, as defined by the International Convention on the Rights of the Child, must be observed in all circumstances.

lien vers l’article

CIDE recently provided support to Mrs. Pauline Bourgoin in the context of her daughter's abusive placement. In this context, Ms. Nathalie Glatz, a psychologist in Lausanne and member of the CIDE Board, was asked to co-sign a platformcalling on the French authorities to reform the handling of inter-family violence situations.

The campaign for the legislative elections is shaken by the sexual affairs Damien Abad, Taha Bouhafs and Matheus Branquinho.
Former president of the LR group in the National Assembly, in retreat from the party since his appointment as Minister of Solidarity in the government Elisabeth Borne, Damien Abad is accused of rape by two women, one of whom has filed a complaint, and there are more and more voices calling for his resignation despite his denials.
On Friday, Matheus Branquinho, deputy of the deputy LREM Valéria Faure-Muntian in the Loire, was referred to the correctional court at a date not yet set. He is suspected of having assaulted a six-year-old girl belonging to his family circle, as well as a friend of the latter aged eight years during the year 2020 during games at the home of the parents of these children. He too contests the facts. He acknowledges, however, the possession of several thousand images or videos of child pornography, seized at his home.
The third case concerns Jean-Luc Mélenchon's LFI. Its candidate in Vénissieux (Rhône), Taha Bouhafs, a self-proclaimed journalist activist, had to withdraw his candidacy after accusations of sexual violence made by at least three women against him.
Jacques Bouthier, boss of this insurance group, had been filmed in his bed with a 14 year old girl by another victim who gave the video to the police. His wife is among those detained, as well as a former member of the GIGN.
In 2020, the magazine Challenges ranked Jacques Bouthier 487th in its ranking of the main fortunes of France, with an estimated wealth of 160 million euros.

For all the defenders of abused children, the absence of this ministry is all the more surprising since the Head of State had announced, during the campaign for his re-election, his intention to devote his second term "to the protection of children".

The Prime Minister had dedicated her nomination "to all the little girls" so that they could "follow their dreams". Several million of them, children, teenagers, adults or seniors, are waiting for reparation after the destruction of their future and then of their whole life by the trauma of incest or rape.

We must always remember the figures for child crime: 140,000 new victims every year. That is almost 50 times the number of victims of road accidents every year.

Rape and incest are psychic homicides, their victims die with this poison in their hearts.

(This is the 3rd case I have reported in a few days)
The new Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, dedicated her appointment to "all the little girls" and wished them "to follow their dreams".
In Sévérac, one of them went to the end of her nightmare by denouncing the incest committed on her
in 2016 by her then 77-year-old grandfather. The girl's mother had also been victimized by this man, her stepfather.
The pedophile was sentenced to four years in prison, two of which were suspended, with an obligation to provide medical care and a ban on contact with the victims, but his sentence should be modified, given his age and state of health, and he should not be incarcerated, the source said.

They can be blamed and accused of manipulation when they refuse to allow their child to spend the weekend with the abusive parent.

Protecting children is often a difficult task for mothers. The Independent Commission on Incest and Sexual Violence against Children (Ciivise), charged by the government with developing public policy recommendations to better protect children, will hold public meetings for incest victims on May 11 in Nancy and May 16 in Paris.

Two new stages of a tour of France where mothers' testimonies come back like a litany. Adèle (first name changed) testifies to the AFP:

"My daughter refuses to spend time with her father, whom she has accused of touching her genitals since she was four years old. I am accused of "parental alienation" by my ex-husband, his lawyers and the fathers' associations that support him, of manipulating my daughter against her father. My daughter and I are under suspicion, subjected for seven years to numerous psychological expertises and procedures. I live in fear of losing her custody and having her placed."

The Ciivise denounces this "Parental Alienation Syndrome" , not officially recognized and defended by the very controversial and influential American psychiatrist Richard Gardner. The European Parliament, in an October 2021 resolution, urges EU states to « à ne pas reconnaître (le SAP) dans leur pratique judiciaire et leur droit. »

petition launched by the feminist association #NousToutes to ban it in France has gathered 27,000 signatures, including those of many psychiatrists and NGOs. Five associations, including CDP-Enfance, Reppea and Peau d'âme, wrote an open letter to the future president in April.

Protecting the investigation

"160,000 children are sexually abused every year, and they need to be found and protected. They often tell their mothers., observe Édouard Durand, coprésident de la Ciivise. "If you go to the police station to say that your cell phone was stolen, you will be believed; if you reveal sexual violence, there is a high risk that you will be accused of fabrication. However, the risk of misrepresentation is very low for the number of children at risk."observes this children's judge.

« My son, when he filed a complaint with the juvenile brigade, described penetrations, the ‘pipi dans les fesses’ that his grandfather, an early childhood animator, made him suffer. When he came back from his father's house, where he was raped by his grandfather, he was pale, had lost his joy of living. Doctors noticed wounds [...], anal fissures, and made reports. However, my complaint was closed without any action ", explains to AFP Marie (first name changed), who works in a health profession.

"My ex-husband accused me of instrumentalizing our child and of parental alienation syndrome. My child and I were subjected to a social investigation for four years. And for my son, hearings and hearings, where he relived his traumas over and over again. It takes a lot of energy to keep going and a lot of money to pay the lawyers.", ajoute-t-elle.

Since February, as recommended by the Ciivise, the magistrates must no longer pursue the « parent protecteur » who refuses to give his child to the parent suspected of sexual violence, while the judge verifies the allegations. Ciivise wishes to go further: that in case of criminal proceedings for sexual violence, the exercise of parental authority and visitation rights be suspended by right.

"This is not contrary to the presumption of innocence, any more than the pre-trial detention of a suspect during the investigation of a crime. But it does protect the child., notices judge Durand.

"We maintain a system where the child spends his vacations with the abuser. It is difficult to denounce the father and live with him. This is one of the reasons for the high number of cases that are dismissed, about 70%. Suspending the right to accommodation protects the investigation by protecting the child from the pressure of the suspected adult. "We maintain a system where the child spends his vacations with the abuser. It is difficult to denounce the father and live with him. This is one of the reasons for the high number of cases that are dismissed, about 70%. Suspending the right to accommodation protects the investigation by protecting the child from the pressure of the suspected adult.explains lawyer Pascal Cussigh, president of the child protection association CDP-Enfance.

Konbini news avec AFP.

Impunity continues day after day in France against pedocriminals who, in other countries, would end their lives in prison or undergo chemical castration.

« I admit to touching my granddaughter when she came to my house." The 68-year-old man who spoke, Thursday, May 12, 2022 at the judicial court in Quimper (Finistère), is accused of incestuous sexual assault on his 7-year-old granddaughter, on numerous occasions, between June 2020 and February 2021, at his home in the country of Quimper. The girl denounced the facts twice to her parents, who at first had difficulty believing her.

He was sentenced to probation and 8,000 € in damages.

Basically, Bensussan is quite practical: he serves as a lightning rod for all of us", summarizes, with a yellow laugh, one of his old friends, a psychiatrist like him. It is true that Paul Bensussan, 64 years old, expert approved by the Court of Cassation, is one of those on whom lightning often falls. Is he not one of the doctors who considered Kobili Traoré, the murderer of Sarah Halimi, irresponsible for his acts? Didn't he dare to point out a "propensity for affabulation" in "Julie", the young woman who accuses several Paris firemen of gang rape when she was a minor? It is another subject, however, that has recently put him back at the heart of the controversy: his defense of "parental alienation", a highly controversial concept according to which, through a very conflicting separation, a child could become detached from one of his parents - even to the point of, and this is what is most debated, falsely accusing him of sexual abuse.

Paul Bensussan was one of the first doctors, in France, to study the subject, as well as the question of false allegations. Because he has worked on it, and used it in some of his expert reports, he has become, according to his detractors, a "militant" of the parental alienation syndrome (or PAS), that is to say a militant of the "father's cause" - or even an "anti-mother" militant. Four associations defending victims of rape and violence filed a petition against him at the beginning of April with the Conseil de l'ordre and the Versailles public prosecutor. This, after his name appeared in the file of a certain "Adèle", who accuses her ex-spouse of abuse on their daughter and who, after multiple legal actions were dismissed, was sentenced to one year in prison for not representing a child. The case itself dates from 2012, the expertise of Paul Bensussan, from 2015, but both have been recently exhumed and mediatized - before a new appeal hearing.

A " new kind of conspiracy theory ".

These attacks come in a particular context: the SAP has been the subject of heated debates since its inception and is strongly condemned by the Ciivise, the independent commission on incest and sexual violence set up after the Duhamel case. According to the commission and its co-chair, children's judge Édouard Durand, this "pseudo-scientific" concept would make it impossible to be a protective parent and would make incest and rape invisible - it would be nothing less than a weapon in the service of a "system of impunity for aggressors". But this position is also a bitter one. In this matter, everyone is throwing his real or supposed "militancy" in his face and, sometimes in hushed tones, certain specialists in the field - magistrates, lawyers, experts or association leaders - are alarmed by the very radical positions of the Ciivise and Judge Durand. "The protection of children being the noblest of causes, we must ensure that it never, even if with vibrant accents, serves the ends of a new kind of conspiracy", write, for their part, Paul Bensussan and the criminal lawyer Marie Dosé in an article published at the beginning of April.

These reproaches hardly move Edouard Durand. The pseudo-objectivity of the expert has all the makings of a "good hiding place", he believes: "There is no such thing as a neutral position" when faced with such subjects. This is certainly not false. Nevertheless, one must note the extreme violence that surrounds the question: "parental alienation" is one of those concepts that unleash passions so well that they make us forget the very reality that they are supposed to cover.

A sulphurous character

Its inventor is no doubt responsible for this. The first to have used the term - and the only one to have really designated it as a "syndrome" - is, in the 1980s, the American psychiatrist Richard Gardner. A sulphurous character, who died in 2003 after having stabbed himself, and whose nauseating statements in defense of incest and pedophilia are widely quoted - but never sourced. So much the worse if other doctors have since worked on the subject, reminding us that parental alienation is not confined to allegations of incest or, like Paul Bensussan himself who now prefers to speak of "parental disaffection", suggesting other terms to designate such phenomena. "One cannot detach a concept from its history and give it a new virginity every day" protests Edouard Durand.

"Why are so many clinicians opposed to it? Because the term is used today in order not to take into account maltreatment, and this by experts who have no specific competence in child psychiatry, nor in collecting the word of child victims", insists the child psychiatrist Maurice Berger, close to Édouard Durand and co-president of REPPEA, the Network of professionals for the protection of children and adolescents, who signed the petition against Dr Bensussan. Maurice Berger recognizes however that cases of "hold" exist. He cites the example of a child whose mother accused her father of touching her: "When she entered my office, the little girl stumbled and, in order to catch herself, put her hand on the chest of the educator who was accompanying her. Her mother immediately said to me, 'Did you see that? She has sexual gestures, that's the proof!"... and then develops a completely paranoid speech." There are real brainwashing of the child, aimed at denigrating the other parent or can be the source of unfounded accusations. But these cases are very rare, accounting for 1-6% of sexual abuse allegations, and are made by parents with personality disorders that can be hard to spot. The problem is that some experts see parental alienation absolutely everywhere."

A rather difficult accusation to substantiate. How difficult it is to find one's way through the jungle of arguments and counter-arguments produced on both sides, sometimes with a touch of bad faith. For example, the debate about whether or not the concept is scientific could take up an entire tome: parental alienation was the subject of violent controversy when the DSM-V and the ICD-11, two international classifications of psychiatric illnesses, were updated, and then excluded from them. Opponents of PAS also claim that the French Ministry of Justice has prohibited its use since 2018 - when the Minister of Justice, in response to a question from a senator, had only reminded magistrates of its controversial nature and the existence of other tools "to deal with the sometimes real situations of a parent trying to progressively distance the child from the other parent"...

"Why did we wait so long?"

"We no longer have the right to nuance in these areas, not at all," deplores Josiane Bigot, former magistrate and president of the Themis association, which, in Alsace, defends access to the law for children and young people. She does not like the notion of "parental alienation", however. "It appeared in family law, she recalls, when fathers' movements were formed to denounce a justice system which, according to them, systematically gave victory to mothers and considered their speech to be true, to the point of leaving the children under their sole influence. I am wary of concepts like these, but I am also opposed to a presumption of truthfulness for mothers who denounce abuse. We must be extremely careful about what is said, by everyone. The experts are appointed to bring additional elements: their report counts, but only the judge decides... And it is not only false, but also dangerous to let believe that the magistrates would be indifferent to the fate of the children! If justice is overwhelmed from all sides, it is undoubtedly because it does not systematically give reason to any of the parties... ".

The former magistrate does not underestimate the dysfunctions of child protection and its many flaws. We have known for a long time what needs to be reformed and how to get the word of the victims," she says. The Lanzarote Convention, signed in 2007 by the Member States of Europe, already made all the necessary recommendations! Why did we wait so long to tackle the problem head on? And why a new commission, when we are waiting for an action plan to better support children, and when prevention must be implemented?

The "expert alienation"

"Everyone wants to give voice to the victims, which is both legitimate and relevant. But every statement must be carefully listened to, but also evaluated. Such a passionate climate is not healthy for the professionals, who have to approach the situations in their singularity, to make case by case", analyzes, for his part, the psychiatric expert Roland Coutanceau. "There are no neutral statistics in this field, he adds, and the definitions of parental alienation are multiple and sometimes problematic. So let's make it simple: is it possible that, in a context of conflictual separation, a parent, father or mother, can influence a child? Of course it is! We have all met children who have been manipulated, and we have all had doubts when faced with cases that were a bit vague... I remember a little girl who arrived shouting "Daddy put a finger in my pecker! I remember a little girl who came in saying "Daddy put a finger in my pecker!" before she even entered my office, a boy who did not deny his mother's statements but threw himself into his father's arms when he saw him enter the office... To help us untangle the situations, we have clinical experience of very real abuse."

The psychiatrist Daniel Zagury, an equally respected expert, likewise refuses "ideological positions" and is wary of "dadas". This is the reason why he excludes, except in exceptional cases, giving private expert opinions for one or other of the parties: "I would be afraid," he says, "of suffering from expert alienation syndrome. "What interests me is to have a psychodynamic understanding of what is at play in a particular family. The so-called 'parental alienation syndrome' does not exist as a disease. What does exist, and what interests me, are expressions of the suffering of a child caught in singular parental issues. I don't think I've ever met an insincere mother: there are mostly mothers who are worried, who ask questions and set up a self-reinforcing loop where the children end up saying what is expected of them..." Daniel Zagury also dislikes fads, fashions, lobbies of all kinds - anything that would claim to prevent him from arriving at expertise "unprejudiced, naked as a worm". "One ends up losing all common sense, systematism is always a mistake. At one time, the false accusation had become an atomic weapon: the judges were tetanized, and immediately asked for meetings with the father in media places. Then they realized that they could have been deceived at times, and the somewhat opposite movement occurred."

The spectre of Outreau

For there is also, weighing on these questions, a certain air of the times, a general sensitivity of society. After the Dutroux affair, Roland Coutanceau notes, many legitimately shaken adults tended to over-interpret the behavior of young children and to track down everywhere - in sadness, anger, a tendency to masturbate - the signs of a possible sexual aggression. "We had, with a colleague, received the entirety of the cases of alleged abuse in a given department; in 50% of the cases, the children themselves had not said anything, it was the entourage that was alarmed." Conversely, some child protection actors today denounce the ravages of Outreau. After the trial, there was a 25% increase in the number of cases that were dismissed," says Maurice Berger. The idea had taken hold that the children were lying. However, it is also Outreau that his detractors blame Dr. Bensussan for: at the request of the defense, he gave an expert report at the time pointing out the flaws in the report drawn up by psychologists Jean-Luc Viaux and Marie-Christine Gryson-Dejehansart on the four children of the couple Myriam Badaoui and Thierry Delay.

This report has not been forgiven by some people, almost twenty years later: it is now a prominent part of the petition filed against him. "His great battle was to treat the children of Outreau as liars," says Emmanuelle Piet, president of the CFCV (French Committee against Rape), an association that co-signed the text... and also responsible for the Ciivise hotline. "He was the leader of this attitude which consists in saying that one should not believe the children, she continues. Every time he intervenes in a case, he militates for the invalidation of their word. Innocence in Danger, also a signatory of the petition, attacks with as little caution. "The judges are very permeable to what the experts say, especially Dr. Bensussan," says its president Homayra Sellier. "We receive between six hundred and eight hundred requests for intervention per year, three quarters of which are about abusive placements. We cannot remain spectators in front of this: those who do not understand the urgency to act are people who have never had to face child victims or mothers who have lost their children. No, children do not lie, they simply express themselves with their children's words!"

In a long interview with Le Point in early April, Paul Bensussan explained his work. "To say that an unveiling is systematically true is as simplistic as it is dogmatic - and the opposite would be just as true, he argues. The problem is that it's impossible in these cases to provide nuance without appearing to take the mirror position. To contradict someone who asserts that "a child cannot invent an assault", that "the child's word is sacred", that "false allegations do not exist", would be tantamount to supporting the alleged abuser... or to denying the reality of incest." On the petition itself, the expert reserves his answers to the magistrates, and the council of the order.

These revelations on the internal investigation conducted since Saturday on these accusations by the party of Jean-Luc Mélenchon contradict the initial official version on the withdrawal of the far left activist because of a media campaign against him.
The LFI deputy Clémentine Autain, seized by one of the victims, said that his report was "of a seriousness never encountered." "We are
upset by what we have read and heard," she told Mediapart. It is not known if the victims have filed a complaint. They are four, according to an executive of LFI to France-Info.
Bouhafs' candidacy for the legislative elections in Vénissieux(Rhône) had caused a strong controversy because of his conviction for racism. The police unionist had been called by him "Arab service" on Twitter in June 2020. Linda Kebbab had filed a complaint, and he had been convicted of the crime of public insult because of the origin and a fine of 1500 euros, a court decision to which Taha Bouhafs appealed.

This landmark decision is likely to slow down or even stop systematic male complaints against women victims.
The appeals of the former minister of François Mitterrand and the former boss of Equidia against Sandra Muller, creator of #BalanceTonPorc, and Alexandra Besson, daughter of former minister Eric Besson, were dismissed on Wednesday. The Court of Cassation found that the statements of the two accusers were based "on a sufficient factual basis" to recognize "the benefit of good faith", and that their statements were part of "a debate of general interest on the denunciation of non-consensual sexual behavior of certain men towards women."
Sandra Muller and Alexandra Besson had been convicted, in the first instance, for defamation in 2019, then released in 2021 by the Court of Appeal, which had considered that their respective denunciations were part of the freedom of expression. The two men had appealed to the Supreme Court.
In October 2017, three days after the launch of #MeToo, Alexandra Besson, the daughter of Nicolas Sarkozy's former minister, Eric Besson, had claimed in a post published on social networks that she had been sexually assaulted in her youth by "a former minister of Mitterrand" during an evening at the opera. The name of Pierre Joxe had quickly circulated. At the same time, Sandra Muller launched the hashtag #BalanceTonPorc on her Twitter account, calling on women to report those who had harassed them in the workplace. "You have big boobs. You're my kind of woman. I'm gonna make you come all night. Eric Brion ex-boss of Equidia #BalanceTonPorc », avait-elle elle-même publié dans la foulée.

This 35-year-old school teacher filmed the rapes she imposed on her two children, a 7-year-old boy and a 5-year-old girl, and sent the videos that her 45-year-old former photographer lover demanded of her.

The father of the children was also prosecuted for a sexual assault on the girl, but he was acquitted, in accordance with the prosecution's request.

The latter had requested 12 years of criminal imprisonment for the incestuous mother and 10 years for her lover. Finally, they were both sentenced to 14 years in prison. The forty-year-old, who has always denied the facts, has already appealed.

These crimes, normally devolved to the Assizes, were judged by the Correctional Court of Coutances (Manche) on May 4, 2022.  The man, 70, was accused of sexually assaulting two of his granddaughters, aged 8 to 10 at the time of the events, in 2017 and 2018 at his home in the La Haye-Pesnel.

He disputed the allegations, claiming that it was a conspiracy to extort money from him.

But the court found the children's statements to be credible, as found by experts. The children were the same age as his own daughters when he raped them, for which he was sentenced to 12 years in prison in 2003.

But the court found the children's statements to be credible, as found by experts. The children were the same age as his own daughters when he raped them, for which he was sentenced to 12 years in prison in 2003.

He was sentenced to 2 years in prison and 4 years of socio-judicial follow-up, including a ban on contact with minors. He will have to pay 9 900 euros to the victims for their damages.

He was not put under arrest.

This reaction of the alleged victims follows the announcement of the complaint filed against them for "slanderous denunciation" by Patrick Poivre d'Arvor, the former presenter of the 20h of TF1.

The affair of the complaints against PPDA bounced back with the broadcast on Thursday 28 April by France 2 of a Complément d'enquête on "The fall of an untouchable".


After a first complaint dismissed in February, the French journalist and writer Patrick Poivre d'Arvor, former presenter of the 20 hours news on TF1, decided to file a complaint with civil party for "slanderous denunciation" against 16 women accusing him of sexual harassment or sexual violence, learned "Complément d'enquête" from the lawyer of the journalist and the prosecutor's office in Nanterre.

The lawyer of "PPDA", Philippe Naepels, confirmed that he filed this complaint with the senior investigating judge of the court of Nanterre this week, before the broadcast in "Complément d'enquête" on France 2, Thursday, April 28, of an investigation devoted to the former TF1 presenter. The complaint was registered on Tuesday. Wednesday, the prosecutor's office of Nanterre confirmed to "Complément d'enquête" « la réception par le service de l’instruction » de cette plainte.

 » "Since the excitement generated by the #MeToo wave, the liberation of women's speech has unfortunately known its share of excesses and abuses, and the means implemented to serve this legitimate objective can prove to be perverse and devastating"Patrick Poivre d'Arvor denounces in his complaint, that "Complément d'enquête" and franceinfo have been able to consult. Forty-three pages with vitriol which castigate "a return of puritanism and censorship, cleverly adorned with the alleged protection of women".

"Since the excitement generated by the #MeToo wave, the liberation of women's speech has unfortunately known its share of excesses and abuses, and the means implemented to serve this legitimate objective can prove to be perverse and devastating"Patrick Poivre d'Arvor denounces in his complaint, that "Complément d'enquête" and franceinfo have been able to consult. Forty-three pages with vitriol which castigate "a return of puritanism and censorship, cleverly adorned with the alleged protection of women".

Contested charges

In this complaint, the former journalist implicates 16 of the 22 women who testified against him at the Brigade de répression de la délinquance contre la personne (BRDP). "Eight of them have filed a complaint., rappelle le document. "It would be impossible to give any credit to these sixteen women, journalists or writers in need of fame and/or feminists of the last hour, who came to support a former colleague, a friend, or even a simple activist of the women's cause"., tackles the document about the people concerned.

And to continue: "Regretting not to have benefited from more consideration, or even a simple glance, on the part of a man they once admired, makes today's rejected or ignored respondents very bitter, a bitterness that leads them to commit, out of belated revenge, the crime of slanderous accusation." The complaint then returns to each of the accusations of these 16 women, firmly disputed by Patrick Poivre d'Arvor. The complainant cites, for four of them, extracts of correspondence that would have been written after the facts denounced, weakening according to him the version of these women accusing him.

Terms deemed "outrageous"

The lawyer Laure Heinich, who defends the complainants accusing the former presenter of sexual violence, evokes, in a letter addressed to "Complément d'enquête", "a complaint of slanderous denunciation in outrageous terms that only overwhelm him". Les mises en cause « attendent impatiemment d’en répondre et de le confronter devant des juges, ce que la prescription leur interdisait », she defends.


Contacted by franceinfo, Cécile Delarue, treasurer of the association #MeTooMédias (founded by women accusing Patrick Poivre d'Arvor of sexual harassment and violence), denounces "It is a way of telling the women who had the courage to speak that they must remain silent. "We are very shocked to learn about it through the press, we do not even know who the women targeted by this complaint are, she reacts. "We too look forward to speaking in a court of law. We look forward to justice." Hélène Devynck, vice-president of the association, denounced on Twitter a "pathetic diversion". 

The association #MeTooMédias denounced in a press release In addition to the "gagging procedures by Patrick Poivre d'Arvor as attempts at intimidation aimed at discouraging the victims who have not yet come forward to the authorities to undertake this painful and difficult process".

According to this statement, "to date, 26 women have contacted the authorities and 16 complaints have been filed against Patrick Poivre d'Arvor, including 7 for 'rape'. The former figure of TF1 firmly disputes these accusations. Franceinfo returns on the judicial consequences given to these complaints, and on the actions for "slanderous denunciation" initiated by the journalist and writer. 

New appeals filed

The case Patrick Poivre d'Arvor began in February 2021, when the writer and Florence Porcel had filed a complaint against him, accusing him of having imposed a sexual intercourse in 2004 and a fellatio in 2009. The journalist had then filed a complaint for defamation and slander. The Nanterre prosecutor's office then conducted a preliminary investigation for four months. The investigation had been closed "without action" in Juneas well as the complaint of Patrick Poivre d'Arvor. At the beginning of November, eight women who had been heard by the justice had testified to Libérationaccusing the journalist of sexual harassment or violence.

Florence Porcel subsequently became a civil party with the doyen of the investigating judges, leading to the opening of a new investigation. En décembre, deux nouvelles plaintes, l’une pour viol, l’autre pour agression sexuelle were also filed against the former presenterfor events in 1985 and 2013. 

With franceinfo, Philippe Naepels announced his intention to file a new complaint for "slanderous denunciation" with civil party against Florence Porcel, at the end of the ongoing investigation on these accusations.

Olivier Combe, head of the DGSI (Directorate General of Internal Security) in Charleville, was sentenced on appeal this week to only one year in prison and one year suspended for child pornography. He was prosecuted for the rape of a minor Muslim girl whom he was in charge of de-radicalizing, and was acquitted.

None of the major media reported this very serious information, unless I am mistaken.

The 59-year-old ex-officer was acquitted of both charges in the first instance in September 2021. During the trial in June 2021, the public prosecutor had nevertheless demanded 4 years in prison.

In 2019, a young woman files a complaint for three rapesof which she would have been victim in spring 2016 in the Ardennes. At the time of the facts, the young woman aged 17, who is nicknamed H. in the French media, had just fled the family home after having answered a matrimonial ad to marry an Islamist, candidate for jihad in Syria. It is within the framework of the fight against terrorism that H. meets Olivier Combe, the agent of the General Directorate of Internal Security (DGSI).

After several interrogations within the premises of the DGSI, her relationship with the married man and father of two children became "ambiguous". It is then that the rapes would have started. H. explains to the police officers who took her complaint, that she was under his " emprise "and confides that she felt " obligated " despite his complaints and her" nos " repeatedly.

Following these accusations, investigations are carried out and reveal two other sexual relationships with young Muslim women, which would have been consensual. Theagent of the DGSI had then immediately been " disarmed by his hierarchy " and " administratively suspended from duty", according to the prosecutor in charge of the case.

During the investigation, Olivier Combe's team members were interviewed anonymously. In their statements, we learn that the fifty-year-old had the habit of questioning his interlocutors alone, in his office of the anti-terrorist fight in the Ardennes. A practice forbidden by the DGSI. At the beginning of this scandal, the ex-agent would have confided to his colleagues: " I won't draw you a picture, I should have kept my hands in my pockets« .

(d’après « Oh my Mag »)

Reality exceeds fiction once again in the French justice system with this scandal. The public was to believe that this child killer and rapist was spending his life behind solid locks. Far from it.

Nordahl Lelandais was caught Thursday in a sexual relationship with a Parisian visitor during a visit to the prison of Saint-Quentin-Fallavier (Isère). It was their first meeting after a sustained correspondence.

The visit was conducted without any exceptional supervision measures. The inmate was returned to his segregation cell and was threatening to the officers. The visitor had to leave the facility.

For these facts, qualified of exhibition by the direction of the establishment, Nordahl Lelandais risks up to 14 days in disciplinary quarter. The authorization of meeting of the visitor was suspended as a precautionary measure, the time of the investigation.

Last February, the Assize Court of Isère sentenced the criminal to life imprisonment, with a security period of twenty-two years, for the kidnapping and murder of little Maelys as well as the sexual assaults on two little cousins.

The following article, published on April 29 in the Quotidien du médecin, is signed by two child psychiatrists, Françoise Fericelli and Eugénie Hizard, who were recently sanctioned by the Conseil de l'ordre des médecins for having made this type of report.

The authors of this text express their "dismay" at the reservations once again expressed by the Conseil de l'ordre on the obligation to report, also desired by the Commission on Incest and Sexual Violence (CIIVISE).

It will be up to the new Parliament to demonstrate its interest in the defense of children by passing a law that definitively imposes this reporting obligation on physicians.

Vigilance is required for all those who advocate for this cause.


Contribution / Le Quotidien du Médecin


Child abuse: the obligation to report must be in the law

PUBLIÉ LE 29/04/2022

The recent recommendations of the Independent Commission on Incest and Child Sexual Abuse (ICICA) call for mandatory reporting by physicians. But the Order does not agree. The Collectif Stop Violences Médecins - created a year ago and gathering about fifty practitioners - does not understand this reticence. Two of its leaders, child psychiatrists, explain here why.


CONTRIBUTION - The Stop Violences Médecins collective welcomes the release on March 31 of the second report of the Ciivise. This report notes in particular the particular situation of physicians with regard to child abuse: "As the law stands, a doctor who makes a report on behalf of a child who is a victim or likely to be a victim of sexual violence may be subject to disciplinary proceedings by the medical association... The Ciivise is attentive to the situation of those practitioners who have been subject to such proceedings, and even to sanctions up to the temporary prohibition of their profession..." The Ciivise therefore recommends the suspension of professional procedures in the context of reports of children in danger or likely to be in danger, recalling that the protection of the child must come first. It also recommends clarifying the position of the reporting physician with respect to the law and recommends that the obligation to report be clearly stated in the law.

In this context, the Stop Violences Médecins collective is dismayed by the position taken publicly by the Ordre des Médecins following these recommendations. Several elements question us.

1/ According to the College, physicians should only report to the prosecutor "if they are sure of the existence of abuse" . For our group, the doctor is neither an investigator nor a magistrate and it is not his role to be sure of the facts. The doctor can only assume and transmit to the justice or social services the elements that make him assume that the child is likely to be in danger. To be sure of the facts in order to report would mean that a doctor could never report.

2/ Physicians already have an obligation to protect according to the medical code of ethics, it would not be necessary, according to the Order, to have an obligation to report. The collective argues that a doctor cannot himself implement the protection of a child subjected to abuse. He has neither the means nor the prerogatives. The only means available to the doctor is to report the case, as provided for in the law of 5 March 2007, so that effective protective measures can be put in place as soon as possible.

A major health issue

3/ The College believes that mandatory reporting could "keeping children out of care". It is important to remember that children have a fundamental need for emotional and physical security on a daily basis, described by the scientific community as a meta need. This means that the need for security in children is the primary condition for their physical and psychological health. Moreover, maltreatment in childhood is the first risk factor for suicide in children and adolescents, a source of physical and psychiatric illnesses during childhood and later on. It is therefore a major public health issue that cannot be ignored by physicians. Finally, clinical practice shows that access to care for the abused child only becomes regular and effective once protective measures have been implemented. The obligation for physicians to report will not be an obstacle to access to care, quite the contrary.

4/ Finally, it is important to remember that this obligation exists elsewhere. It has been in place for 50 years in the United States, and also exists in Canada and in many European countries. In Canada, a large study has shown that this leads to better protection for children. In France, school doctors and PMI doctors are already subject to such an obligation to report: it would therefore only be a matter of extending this obligation to all doctors.

The World Psychiatric Association (2009), the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe (November 18, 2009), the Committee on the Rights of the Child and two UN Special Rapporteurs (2011) have also advocated this obligation, believing it to be a guarantee of better detection of abused children and protection for reporting physicians.

Finally, the High Authority for Health (HAS), in its 2011 report on intrafamily violence, notes that physicians "They are among the most likely to recognize the signs of abuse. And in 2014, it deplores that less than 5% of reports of child abuse come from doctors. We therefore ask: how is it possible for a doctor to follow the HAS recommendations, to carry out his human and ethical duty to protect child victims if he has to fear prosecution and professional condemnation in the aftermath of his report? Given the public health issue of prevention and detection of signs of physical, psychological and sexual abuse, the Stop Violences Médecins collective is in favour of the obligation to report. Noting that complaints against doctors most often come from the aggressor parent(s), the collective is also in favor of the inadmissibility by the Order of any complaint that falls within the framework of suspected child abuse.

Dr Françoise Fericelli, Dr Eugénie Hizard for the Stop Violences Médecins collective

Zara Phytian, who starred in the 2016 film "Doctor Strange" alongside Benedict Cumberbatch, and her husband Victor Marke, a taekwondo master, are currently on trial before the Nottingham Assizes on fourteen charges of rape and sexual assault.

The rapes were committed between 2005 and 2008 by the couple against the minor, between her 13 and 15 years. The 30-year-old victim, whose identity has not been revealed, wanted to reveal her tragedy once she became a mother, "to avoid that such horrors continue to be repeated".



This drama experienced daily by thousands of mothers was tragically illustrated by the recent suicide of a gendarme who set herself on fire after losing custody of her child.

The CIDE (International Committee for the Dignity of the Child) of Lausanne fully associates itself with the press release published on this occasion by the association " L'enfance au coeur ", below.


Once again, a womana mother, is the ultimate victim of a judicial decision.
This gendarmerie officer mother of a 5 year old child, learns that she has lost custody of him, and she killed herself by setting herself on fire. Her colleagues were full of praise for her, but what could have happened? In any case, a court decision that no one knows about is at the origin of the drama.
It is therefore appropriate to compare this drama with the number of similar dramas or situations of suffering. Often, although too often, mothers are deprived of their child(ren) by the justice for aberrant reasons and on the basis of lies or totally biased expert reports.
Justice does not see the drama coming, justice precipitates it! The knowledge of too many cases in which the maternal bond is destroyed by judicial intervention who makes himself an accomplice of the abusive father or the violent spouse makes us think that justice loses the pedals in its values and in its functioning.
The disqualification of mothers under any pretext and the destruction of women by their spouses or ex-spouses is a scourge to which the Justice system collaborates unconsciously or by lack of competence or by ideology.
A mother-child bond is created even before the child is born.  It is essential to the development and balance of the child, essential to the construction of its identity, to its self-esteem, to its security and its inner confidence.
Is it necessary to recall such an obvious fact? The answer is yes, because unfortunately, a thousand times, theories (such as "maternal control", parental alienation syndrome, ....) prevail over this scientific reality (and common sense) in the socio-judicial world.

In the case of this mother, L'ENFANCE AU COEUR wonders what motivated the judge to take her child away from her? A mother praised by all, who was actively involved in finding funds for the orphans of the gendarmerie, which was strongly mobilized after her death.
What are the judicial motivations that led to the decision to remove her 5-year-old child?
In fact, L'ENFANCE AU COEUR knows that the possibilities are numerous because the notion of danger is so arbitrary and is used in an abusive way, not to say destructive, to place children.

Another question: What visitation and accommodation rights did the court provide for the mother? Did she agree to 1 hour of visit per month, supervised by the social services? L'ENFANCE AU COEUR speaks with full knowledge of the facts: when the maternal bond is identified as "the danger", the mother can only see the child in the presence of social mediators to verify that the mother has understood the educational measure, in other words that she has distanced herself from her child.

We do not know if it is the case of this mother who went so far as to kill herself by setting herself on fire after a court decision removing her child.

The drama is there, and bigger or smaller than this drama, there are thousands and thousands of them.
Despair cannot be the result of legal action, of a trial, and yet it is too often the case. The injustice of justice plunges families into despair and beloved children into the hell of the home

The protection of mothers and children and the respect of their fundamental needs is too often undermined for L'ENFANCE AU COEUR not to call this wound a destruction in the general indifference.

This is all the more unbearable as the justice system is keen to show its human face when it comes to abusive parents who beat their children. In these cases, it will be very careful and will do everything possible to avoid breaking the family bond.

Let's react, let's see things in place, justice must urgently take over.



After the liberation of Boutcha, in Ukraine, a mother and her daughter agreed to testify to RTS about the continuous rapes they endured during the Russian occupation. Two rare testimonies, whose extreme harshness can be difficult to hear and read.
"I'm telling you everything, once and for all. It's not my place to be ashamed." For nearly three hours, 38-year-old Ekatarina* and her 13-year-old daughter recounted the horror they experienced during the occupation of the village of Butcha in the Kiev region. Soldiers had practically taken up residence in their homes and turned their lives into a living hell. "The whole world must know who they are and what they are capable of," she says of those she calls "psychopaths.
At the time of the invasion, this mother was living in a small house in Boutcha with her daughter and her 75-year-old mother, who was too old to flee. "The first time they came, it was daylight. My neighbor gave me a sign so that I would understand that I had no choice but to let them in. They were pointing their guns at me, shooting in the air, I was terrified," she says.
Repeated rape for more than two weeks
It is then that the ordeal begins. "At night, they came back. They asked me to kneel down, and then they told me: your daughter is very beautiful. I begged them not to touch her. I told them: do whatever you want with me, but don't touch her. They forced me to give them oral sex. They took turns, it was never ending.
The young woman was raped several times a day for two and a half weeks by soldiers who always came in groups. Under the eyes of her daughter. "They asked me to watch", testifies the latter. "So that I would learn, they said. One night, eight of them came. They came to the bed and touched me. Finally, they went to my mother and raped her."
During those endless days, Ekaterina struggles to survive while trying to protect her daughter and her neighbors. "I reminded them that they had a family, children. But that didn't calm them down. It was impossible to contradict them. Otherwise they would shoot in the air. They threatened to destroy the neighborhood, to kill everyone. I knew that they had already killed many of my neighbors and that they could kill us at any time."
The two women also recount the murders they witnessed. "They showed us their night vision goggles. We understood that they could see exactly who they were shooting at when they killed civilians," Ekaterina explains. One day, a soldier showed me a woman he had killed," says the girl. "I said to him, 'Did you really do that? And he answered: 'Yes, I like killing, it excites me. He was 18 years old."
Des jeunes en provenance de régions reculées
Les deux femmes décrivent des militaires très jeunes, entre 18 et 25 ans, systématiquement ivres et « totalement imprévisibles », qui pillaient du hashish dans les maisons et tiraient sur le portail pour signaler leur arrivée. « J’ai vraiment eu le sentiment qu’on n’avait pas devant nous des soldats, mais des gens échappés de l’hôpital psychiatrique à qui on avait donné des armes et qu’on avait envoyé faire la guerre », se remémore la mère.
According to these testimonies, most of them came from inland and isolated regions of Russia, especially Yakutia. Ulan Ude, Vladivostok,... Remote areas where life is terribly hard. For most of them, their salary was barely equivalent to 250 francs per month.
"They were looting everything. For them, our stores were heaven. They would put condoms they had stolen from the stores. I'm not sure they had seen them before. They thought it was amazing. I think they chose these kids on purpose. They were amazed by everything, even by our houses," Ekaterina said.
"I am not ashamed"
The courage to speak, the young woman draws it in her anger. Against the Russians, but also against the Ukrainian authorities and the mayor of Boutcha. "Nobody came to ask me if I needed help. The mayor was the first to leave when the Russians invaded us. And he was the first one who came back to play the hero in front of the cameras when they fled. Before, I supported the president. Now I don't."
Today, some men in the neighborhood whisper. Sometimes they suggest that she could have avoided what happened to her. "I am not ashamed of what happened to me. I am more ashamed for those who fled, leaving their elderly parents behind," Ekaterina replies.
Rare and precious testimonies
Only ten days after her release, she was finally able to undergo a medical examination and wants to file a complaint. This is extremely rare: most women do not succeed in denouncing what they have endured.
On the spot, a psychologist member of an emergency cell starts to have an overview of the situation, and confirms that she receives more and more cases, in particular of rapes of an unheard-of violence of minors, boys and girls.
Some are still hospitalized in Kiev. "Most of the women and children who have been raped will unfortunately never speak," says the psychologist. And among her patients, some speak not of filing a complaint, but of suicide.

In Geneva, the case was dismissed without any investigation after the complaint of a teenager for sexual assault

(according to the Tribune de Genève)

Filing a complaint after a sexual assault, when you are a minor, is often not easy. At the age of 11, Adèle* decided to go to the police to file a report. A few months earlier, the teenager had been harassed and then assaulted by four friends at her elementary school. "The police told me that the case was too serious, that I should file a complaint. But I didn't feel like launching such a big procedure."

Because Adele feels that she has forgotten a certain number of elements, following a traumatic amnesia. Five years later, thanks to psychotherapy, she finds the strength to overcome this and makes an appointment at the Brigade des mineurs, where her three-hour testimony is filmed. Four teenagers, all minors, were interviewed.

Slow and inefficient justice 

For a year and a half, the girl has no news. Then the decision was made. Without witnesses or sufficient evidence, justice will not enter into the matter. There will be no investigation. More than the decision itself, the teenager and her lawyer, who is also her curator, criticize the length of time it took for a null result. "I brought medical certificates, screenshots of social networks that attest to the harassment, regrets the girl. Across the street, the four people were only questioned for a few minutes."

Her lawyer and curator, Me Camille Maulini, is surprised. "The delay between the filing of the complaint and the result was really too long to lead to a non-entry into the case. There was no confrontation hearing, nor any real investigation. For my client, it is a feeling of not having been heard that prevails. This delay and this refusal to hear were experienced as a new trauma.

* Identity known to the editors

The winner of the 2012 Tour de France, Britain's Bradley Wiggins, was raped at age 13 by his coach

A multiple-time Olympic and world champion in pursuit and time trial, and now 41 years old, he made this revelation in an interview this week with Men's health UK magazine.

The 2012 winner of the Grand Boucle explains that he did not say anything about it at the time for fear of his stepfather, "very violent." He did not reveal the identity of his predator.

His entourage discovered "with horror" this crime that they had ignored, said the Daily Mail.




A pedophile monster, who filmed his rapes of children, returns to prison in Bordeaux

His freedom of action to commit his crimes as a babysitter, after a first conviction, demonstrates once again the lack of control of predators and the weakness of convictions.

Dorian Laroche, 31, was sentenced by the Assises de la Gionde, on April 12, to the maximum sentence of 20 years of criminal imprisonment, including a 2/3 security sentence, for the rapes of 4 children that he had filmed and whose videos he had posted on the darkweb since 2016. He had just served a sentence of four years in prison for sexually assaulting six other 15-year-olds, as well as for setting fire to the home of a child's family who had just reported him. He was however subject to a 10-year socio-judicial follow-up, and prohibited from working with children.

The pedophile babysitter had however been unmasked by a mother when he had registered under his real name on a website to sell his childcare services. She had come across a newspaper article about his previous conviction and reported it.

Dorian Laroche had then been the object of a simple "call to order" from a judge of freedoms, signifying to him the prohibition that he had to work with children. And then nothing more...

The young man had chosen to present himself under his mother's maiden name and was thus able to fool the parents of his future victims.

At the time of the verdict, when justice, by pronouncing a maximum sentence for these facts, recognizes the dangerousness of Dorian Laroche, a question doubled with anger rose among the civil parties: "How did he slip through the cracks when he was being watched?" indignantly said the mother of a victim.

He added: "We watch more a drug dealer than a pedophile. He was summoned once every two or three months, sometimes he would cancel his visit and I, while he was looking after my son, would tell me that he had an appointment at the hospital for problems with his skull... "

She continues, "The gendarmes should be able to show up unannounced to see if his computer has pedophile content, but he is warned of their coming and has time to delete everything, especially since he knows about computers."

The lawyer of one of the abused children specifies: "He played with manipulations and lies, he is a sexual pervert with psychopathic tendencies and everyone was fooled." The direction of the Penitentiary Service of insertion and probation (SPIP) of Arcachon, where he was followed, did not formulate an answer to our questions.

(Avec Actu Bordeaux)

Camille Chauvet remains in Switzerland and her mother has still not been extradited to France

(according to Le Matin)

This first verdict of the Justice of the Peace was sent to the parties on Thursday, April 7, and clearly states that Camille, 16 years old, will not return to France to her father (74 years old) now.

The teenager was with her mother Priscilla Majani when she was arrested near Lausanne on February 22. The mother had fled with her daughter in 2011 so as not to have to hand her over to the father, who had obtained custody of her despite Ms. Majani's complaints against Alain Chauvet, accused of raping her daughter.

"I suffered the worst horrors," the father told Le Matin. I did not expect a miracle, but logically, all this had to be sent back to France. Let them give me back my daughter! She was born in France, I am French by blood and soil and I am her father (...) I did not ask anything to Switzerland, why should I suffer it on top of my misfortune? She will start a new school year and, in October 2023, she will be of age. The mother will have won all the way. We are pleasing a delinquent. Who cares about the father? She is protected. And I, who have nothing to reproach myself for, especially with regard to justice, am rejected. Switzerland still prevents me from seeing my own daughter while it grants her the privilege of being able to see her in prison".


"We oppose his extradition"

France has requested the extradition of its national to the Federal Office of Justice (FOJ). If the FOJ accepts the request, the forty-year-old, who has been on the run for eleven years, will have to serve the accumulated prison sentences that await her in France. This is confirmed by her lawyer, Me Benjamin Schwab: "She has been tried three times in absentia for not representing a minor, slanderous denunciation and child abduction. She received a total of six years in prison. The first judgment being time-barred, she still has 5 years left".

Mr. Schwab added: "We will have to make a decision this week with the FOJ. We will oppose his extradition. Her daughter is in Switzerland. She wants to be able to stay close to her child. My client was allowed to receive visits from her daughter in prison. I don't know if they have ever met. If not, it should happen soon.

Recourse to release it

"The Federal Office of Justice (FOJ) has also ordered the extradition of Camille's mother, in other words, her continued detention during the ongoing Swiss proceedings. We have appealed to the Federal Criminal Court in Bellinzona (TI)," said the abductor's counsel. The FOJ concluded that our appeal was rejected. We expect a lot from the decision of Bellinzona which could give back her freedom to my client". The chances of success seem slim. On the other hand, a victory would give a crucial signal: mother and daughter could continue their life in Switzerland legally. And, as a result, the extradition of the aeronautical engineer could be refused by the FOJ, omnipotent in this extraordinary kidnapping case.

SAP advocate Paul Bensussan cannot remain a forensic expert, say five associations
(from a paper by Hugo Lemonier - Mediapart)
In France, he is the face of the "parental alienation syndrome". . Paul Bensussan, sexologist and psychiatrist certified by the Court of Appeal of Versailles, has built his reputation around this theory not recognized by the international scientific community. Under the influence of the "alienating parent" - often the mother -, the child would enter a "smear campaign" against the other parent, sometimes to the point of unjustly accusing them of physical or sexual abuse.
Four associations, specialized in the protection of children and the fight against sexual violence, sent, on Friday April 8, a request to the National Council of the Order of Physicians and to the General Prosecutor's Office of the Court of Appeal of Versailles. CDP-Enfance, the Feminist Collective against Rape (CFCV), Innocence in Danger and REPPEA (Network of Professionals for the Protection of Children and Adolescents), joined by the CIDE of Lausanne (International Committee for the Dignity of Children), ask the National Council of Doctors "to note ethical breaches [fromDr Paul Bensussan] during the expertises carried out and to draw all the disciplinary consequences which are necessary".. These associations and the CIDE also demand that the psychiatrist not be reinstated by the Court of Appeal of Versailles on the list of experts who can « être missionnés dans des dossiers de violences sur mineur ».
These five associations recall in particular the negative role of this psychiatrist at the Outreau Assizes in 2005. Without having met or spoken to any of the child victims of incest or rape, he had dared to question their word in a report requested by the president of the Assize Court. But his point of view had been swept away by the reality of the facts, since all twelve minors had been officially recognized as adult victims and compensated by the State.
Children's hearings deemed unethical
The petitioning associations rely on nine expert reports in the file, which Mediapart was able to consult. In each of these legal proceedings, Paul Bensussan had concluded to a form of parental alienation. The request does not return on the substance of the individual files, but tries to highlight the methods employed by the psychiatrist and "the lack of a credible scientific basis attached to [his] theory ".
In several cases cited, the interview between Dr. Bensussan and the child would not have lasted more than « twenty minutes », according to the certificates provided by the mothers of the minors examined: "This is notoriously insufficient time to conduct an interview with a child who has reported abuse and to develop a reliable diagnosis.", the applicants say.
There is no ethical rule or legislative provision that forces the expert to detail the conditions of his or her meeting with a child. Contrary to any hearing carried out within the framework of the criminal procedure, the duration of the interview is often not specified by the expert. And, when it is, the parties to the proceedings have no way of verifying or contesting it. Even if it were a minor, whose every hearing is filmed, the interview with the expert is not recorded on video and placed in the file.
In one of the expert reports cited in the petition, Dr. Bensussan is satisfied with a « observation » of two young girls "in the waiting room""It would be excessive to talk about meeting", he agrees in his report.
"No training" in "collecting the word" of children
In several expert reports submitted to the debates, the psychiatrist develops long analyses on the "reliability of the unveiling" children, without having examined them. Claiming a " probabilistic approach ".Dr. Bensussan detailed the elements of the context that made him doubt the reality of the physical or sexual violence reproached to the father.
These expertises "They are not based on medical findings, but are totally biased, or even purely ideological », according to the applicants. "These unsatisfactory conditions for collecting the child's word, far from being fortuitous, actually originate in Dr. Bensussan's total lack of training in child psychiatry."
If he has committed "sexual abuse of minors" one of his "reseach themes"as his CV indicatesDr. Paul Bensussan does not have the necessary expertise, according to the applicants, and has"no degree in child psychiatry". He would also have "no training" […] in the collection of the word of the child victim of violence "..
The associations at the origin of the request also note that the expert "admits it himself"in an e-mail sent to the mother of a child who complained of violence from his father: "It seems necessary to me to tell you that I am not a child psychiatrist., he says.
However, the consensus conference established in the wake of the Outreau affair recommended in 2007 that any expert "designated to evaluate a minor has competence in child or adolescent psychiatry evidenced by training and regular practice in the specialty."
Despite these recommendations, renewed again recently by the Independent Commission on Incest and Child Sexual Abuse (ICICA), the judge remains free to choose the expert. The qualification of specialist in psychiatry authorizes the practice with subjects of all ages. Dr Bensussan is, in fact, regularly mandated to examine minors.
Paul Bensussan, "APS activist"
The applicants denounce "lack of neutrality and independence". of the psychiatrist, depicted as close to the associations of defense of the fathers. Dr. Paul Bensussan has never made a secret of his commitment to the recognition of the "parental alienation syndrome", the associations point out. Before the publication of the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), the psychiatrist had joined the initiative of other SAP proponents to have their theory integrated, in 2013, the famous manual dedicated to mental disorders. In the end, PAS did not receive the blessing of the editorial committee of the DSM-5, the world bible of psychiatry.
The psychiatrist, however, continued in 2015 to relay the definition of "parental alienation" - in his "the most current form" - in support of one of its expertises, "by deliberately ignoring the state of scientific knowledge"., according to the applicants. "In doing so, Dr. Bensussan is grossly attempting to deceive the court's religion by presenting PAS as having scientific recognition."
In this case, the psychiatrist had even concluded to the existence of a parental alienation judged " severe " ; and that, "in spite of the violence denounced by several children"., according to the associations behind the request.
Contacted, Dr. Bensussan explains to Mediapart "that he reserves his answers for the professional bodies".. However, the expert signed a tribune published on the site of Mariannewith the lawyer Marie Dosé, in which he deplores that "the absence of parental alienation from current classifications [is] often presented as proof of its non-existence". : "However, the problem is unambiguously stated in the spirit, if not the letter, of the DSM-5 […], in addition, there is the emergence of new entities, such as "child psychological abuse", which shows that abuse is not only sexual.
Without prejudging the outcome of this request, this unprecedented offensive against the expert Bensussan has received the « moral support » of the Women's Foundation : "Dr. Bensussan is an APS activistsays Anne-Cécile Mailfert, president of the structure. I don't mind having points of view. I have my own, but I don't pretend to be a neutral expert."
According to the associations at the origin of the request, "The child is always considered by Dr. Bensussan as contaminated, under the influence or victim of parental alienation syndrome, under the influence of the mother."A diagnosis made in a systematic manner […] without any evidence or clinical evidence"., they denounce.

The kidnapping of Camille Chauvet by her mother: their version contradicts that of the father

A new twist has just appeared in the case of Camille Chauvet, the 5 year old French girl abducted by her mother Priscilla 11 years ago near Toulon, and found last February 22 during the arrest in Morges, near Lausanne, of her mother, an engineer and officer in the French army.

The International Committee for the Dignity of the Child (CIDE-Lausanne) had access to several concordant sources on the facts denounced by Priscilla Majani and Camille, which contradict the version of the father, Alain Chauvet.

The mother and her daughter are the subject of an extradition request by France for child abduction, but as of April 7, no decision has yet been made by the Bernese federal authorities. An audiovisual testimony of Priscilla and little Camille, dated 2014 during their flight, and available to CIDE, was given to the Justice of the Peace of Morges, in charge of the civil case in this matter.

Faced with the denials of Alain Chauvet, accused by the mother and Camille of incest on the girl, Priscilla maintained her statements before the sources of the CIDE, as well as the girl, and recounted the dysfunctions, according to her version, of French justice in this case.

The CIDE has deemed it useful to report on the media outburst against Priscilla based on Alain Chauvet's one and only version of what he described as "lies".

In 2011, Camille is the subject of an alternating custody with both parents, in the process of divorce. On January 5th, when she returned from her father's house, the little girl revealed to her mother the sexual violence she had been subjected to, with details that a child of this age cannot invent. Priscilla then reported to the police station in Hyères (Var).

On January 6 and 7, Camille was interviewed twice in audio-visual (procedure known as Melanie) by the police officers and confirmed her statements. On the evening of the 7th, the officer in charge of the file, mandated verbally, according to him, by the deputy prosecutor, announces to Priscilla that she can keep her daughter in front of this context.

But the mother never obtained a copy of this decision despite her repeated requests.

On January 17, Camille suddenly confided in her mother and grandmother, and revealed other sexual atrocities committed by the father according to her. Priscilla, "collapsed" according to her own words, filed a complaint with the police the next day.

On January 21, the police officer already mentioned announced to Priscilla that the case had been dismissed by the judge, as the facts "had not been established" after the hearing of the father, to whom she was ordered to return the child that evening. On the advice of her lawyer, the mother demands a written decision of the judge, and keeps her child.

She never received the document, she says.

On February 24, she tells us, "two policemen jumped over the door of my garden, knocked on the door and threatened to break it down if I did not open it. Her lawyer, contacted, advises her to open the door, as the policemen had indicated that it was an audition.

Taken to the police station, she was taken into custody. They took my fingerprints, including my palms," she says, "my DNA, and I was put in a cell. Handcuffed, the police officers then drive me in a car at high speed, flashing lights on, to a psychiatrist. This one, unpleasant, puts the fault on me. I am driven back to the station, and I spend the night in a cell without cover. The next morning, an angry policeman told me that my mother had disappeared with Camille and that she would be prosecuted for child abduction. But I still officially had custody of my daughter.

"Taken handcuffed to the court of Toulon, I am received by the deputy of the prosecutor, who orders me an obligation of care and the handing-over of Camille to her father. The judge of freedoms and detention (JLD) confirms these instructions and summonses me to a court hearing on March 29 for "non presentation of a child".

"Released under judicial control, I concluded that there were serious problems in the judicial system of the Var, and I had to protect my daughter. This is how I found myself in hiding with her, to the detriment of my career in the army, without resources, but waiting for honest authorities to do their job responsibly.

Priscilla is currently detained in a prison near Lausanne, and her daughter has been placed in a home. A meeting took place on March 18 in Morges between the father and mother and their lawyers with the justice of the peace. Camille was not present, and would not have liked to meet her father.


Louvin/Moyne case

Would Pandora's box be opened in France? Shortly after the revelations of Camille Kouchner, just after the scandal around Claude Lévêque, here is now the Louvin & Moyne case. Gérard Louvin, director of the entertainment part of TF1 and his husband, Daniel Moyne, are both accused of abuse on Louvin's nephew when he was a child. This is not the first time that Gérard Louvin has been publicly accused of pedophilia.  Indeed, in 2017/2018, the famous TV presenter Olivier Chiabodo, publicly accused of having knowledge of "vice on minors" within the channel TF1. Following these accusations, Chiabodo confided to several media that Gerard Louvin would have threatened him with death, making the following remarks: "You should be careful, trucks drive fast in Paris". In just a few weeks, revelations are pouring in from France. We can only congratulate the victims for finding the necessary strength to finally make the truth rain down on the abuses against children committed with impunity for so long.


Claude Lévêque case 


Claude Lévêque, visual artist, who, in 2014 and 2015, dressed the entrance to the Louvre Museum, the pyramid of Ieoh Ming Pei, the ditches and the keep of the medieval Louvre. Since 2019, he has been at the center of an investigation for the rapes of young boys. It is only this year, in 2021, that the news breaks out, a few days after the Duhamel affair, once again shaking the French high caste. And again, it says everyone knew, not preventing (helping?) his professional career. It seems that all the young boys around him became the victims; Godchildren, nephews, assistants... He will say of them that they are these "cuddly toys", these "teddy bears"...
He too is close to Jack Lang. The latter having given him his support to propel his career. Claude Lévêque is often in Geneva…
Camille Kouchner speaks out in her book "La Familia Grande


Camille Kouchner reveals the rapes of which her twin brother was victim when he was a child. In her book, she accuses Olivier Duhamel, her stepfather, of being the rapist. Camille is the daughter of Bernard Kouchner and Evelyne Pisier, the latter having remarried at the time with Olivier Duhamel. She died in 2017. Camille also accuses her own mother of having defended the executioner and of having tried to pass the abuse under silence. At that time, it was Marie-France Pisier, her sister, who revolted about the situation. Unfortunately, she will be found a few days later drowned at the bottom of her pool, her head and shoulders stuck in a heavy wrought iron chair. A suicide was declared without further investigation.


Jeffrey Epstein case, continued... Arrest of Jean-Luc Brunel Benchamoul


Jean Luc Brunel, whose real name is Benchamoul, a model agency executive and one of the key figures in the Jeffrey Epstein affair, was arrested on December 17, 2020 at Roissy airport (Paris). He was about to take a flight to Dakar. The man is accused by many victims, in addition to appearing on the little black book of Jeffrey Epstein, of rape of minors. Brunel is a close associate of Ghislaine Maxwell, who is herself accused of sex trafficking of minors. According to available information, he is one of those who "fed" the pedophile network of young girls. He faces numerous charges:
- Association of criminals
- Sex trafficking of minors
- Rape and sexual assault (on adults and minors)
- Sexual harassment
The silence of the French authorities about him does not allow us to say if this man was actively sought previously, the case having started in summer 2019 and his arrest today, a year and a half later.
Source : BrunelEpsteinMaxwell
Where is the justice...? - Telford Rapist Gang Case


December 2020 - One of the leaders of the Indo-Pakistani gang of Telford (UK), Ahdel Ali, prostituting and raping underage girls had been sentenced to 26 years in prison in 2012. While he was supposed to be released from prison in 2038, he was released on December 16, 2020, thus serving only one third of his sentence...
The Department of Justice said, "Serious sex offenders released on license are closely monitored and may be returned to prison if they violate strict conditions such as curfews and exclusion zones."
This, without mentioning the reasons for such an early release despite the extreme seriousness of the facts for which this man was, in the first place, sentenced to 26 years behind bars...


Source : FR – EN

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